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Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1 I’m so happy. Section A Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。 The main activities are 1 and 3a. 本课重点活动是1和3a。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands 目标要求 1. (1)Review and learn some adjectives expressing feelings: happy, unhappy, sad, worried, excited, afraid, angry, funny, active (2)Learn other new words and phrases: invite, say thanks to, smile, none, taste, silly, cruel 2. Master the structure of “linking verb+adj.”: You look excited. That’s very exciting. I feel disappointed. It tastes so delicious. 3. Happiness: That’s great! I’m so happy. How nice! 4. Regret: What a shame! Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/简笔画/小黑板/卓别林影片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟) 复习表达情感的形容词并处理新词句。 (方案一)(寒假过后,师生见面,相互问候,然后教师以简笔画的形式表达出自己在寒假中的感受并让学生试着来表达,引出部分表示情感的形容词。) T: Did you have a good time in your winter holiday? Ss: Yes, we did. T: S1, did you ask your friends to your home for dinner? S1: Certainly. T: Oh, I know you invited your friends to your home. Were you ? S1: Yes, we were very happy. T: Great. I know all of you had a good winter holiday. Now let’s use stick figures to express your feelings in the holiday. sad excited angry worried (板书并要求学生掌握invite和none;理解worried;了解disappointed。) invite, none, disappointed, worried (方案二)(同学们寒假过得愉快吗?在新年里你最喜欢做什么?) T: Did you enjoy yourselves in your winter holiday? What do you like doing best during the Spring Festival? (老师引导学生回答,找一名男同学用哑剧的形式表达出放鞭炮时的情境,但注意运用不 同表情,由此引出形容词进行系表结构的教学。) T: Let’s ask a boy to make some actions without making any sound, and then we watch how he fires firecracker and find some adjectives to express his feelings. (方案三)(放一段卓别林的影片, 其中含有不同表情。由此引出表达情感的一系列形容词,进行系表结构的学习。) T: Let’s see a movie, and then find some adjectives to express feelings. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 7分钟) 呈现并处理1和3a的对话。 1. (教师总结并导入1。) T: We had a good time in the winter holiday. So we are all happy today. What about Kangkang? Let’s listen to 1 a



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