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Exercises Translate the following sentences into English 我们很高兴收到贵方7月4日全棉床单的订单,并且欢迎贵方成为我们的客户。 尽管我们愿意与你方进行业务往来,但遗憾的是我们难以按你方价格生产喷雾香水瓶(perfume atomizer)。 相信这次试订购将是我们日后业务联系的开始。 由于货源难觅,我们别无选择只能谢绝你们的订购。 We are pleased to receive your order of July 4 for all cotton bed sheets and welcome you as one of our customers. Although we would like to do business with you, we are sorry that it is difficult for us to produce the perfume atomizers at the price you ask. We trust that this trial order will be the beginning of a close business relation between us. As supplies of the item are becoming difficult to obtain, we have to alternative but to decline your order. Acceptance Acceptance The last step in business negotiation. Acceptance offeree is willing to enter into a contract with the offerer according to the latter’s terms of transaction unconditionally. How to write? The buyer adopts the following three steps to place or write a letter: 1、Mention the order, contract and products. 2、Confirm the name of products, quality, quantity, price, terms of payment, shipment, etc. 3、End the letter by your wishes. When the seller received the buyer’s letter, the seller also adopts three steps to complete the letter: 1、Confirm that you have received the letter. 2、Give your favorable or unfavorable reply and your reason. 3、State your good will to do business with reader. Case 5-1 Acceptance 情景: 对于湖南省纺织品进出口公司提供的男式衬衫和夹克的报价单,美国联合纺织品有限公司感到比较满意,在仔细阅读报盘中有关的条款和条件后,决定接受报盘,并随信附上了一式两份供会签的购买订单,具体接受函如下。 Dear Sir, We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your letter of September 15, together with one copy of your quotation sheet for Men’s shirts and Men’s Jacket CFR New York. After perusal of the terms and conditions of your offer, we have found them acceptable. Therefore, we are enclosing our Purchase Order No.243 in duplicate, a cope of which please sign and return for our files. As we are in urgent need of these commodities, you are requested to effect shipment


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