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WTO与中国保险业的发展 摘要:我国加入WTO后,中国保险市场的对外开放已成为必然趋势。意味着中国保险业将全面与国际保险体系接轨,同时这会迎来许多新的发展契机,但也必将会面临一系列严峻的挑战。中国加入WTO后,保险市场全面对外开放,外资保险公司大量涌入我国,中、外资之间的竞争不可避免。这些竞争,既促进了我国保险业的发展,也给我国保险市场带来一系列困扰。面对竞争,中资保险公司应当努力增强自身竞争力,学习国际保险业的先进经验,实现与外资保险公司的合作与共赢,共同推动中国保险业的发展。但是,随着我国的保险规模不断的扩大,存在的问题也令人堪忧:市场不完全规范、费率不够合理、保险基金的运用范围和方式受到种种限制、管理不规范等等诸多问题,都需要一一进行解决。为适应加入 WTO的要求 ,必须顺应国际金融市场发展的潮流 ,积极发展中国保险业 ,要努力吸收国外先进的保险技术和管理经验 ,在机构设置、组织模式、制度建设、中介体系、投资管理、筹集资金、监管体制、人才使用、竞争环境等方面尽快与国际惯例接轨。 关键词:保险业;WTO;发展;挑战 The development of WTO and Chineseinsurance Abstract: after Chinas accession to the WTO, Chineseinsurance market opening has become an inevitable trend.Mean Chinese insurance industry will integrate with the international insurance system in an all-round way, and that will usher in a new development opportunity, but also willface a series of challenges. China after entering WTO, the insurance market comprehensive opening, the foreign insurance companies in our country, the influx of foreign capital, the competition between the inevitable. Thecompetition, not only promote the development of Chinas insurance industry, but also to Chinas insurance markethas brought a series of problems. In the face ofcompetition, the Chinese funded insurance companiesshould strive to enhance their own competitiveness, learn from the advanced experiences of international insurance industry, realize the cooperation and win-win with the foreign insurance company, and jointly promote the development of the insurance industry Chinese. However,with Chinas insurance scale constantly expanding, the problems are also worrying: incomplete market norms, rateis not reasonable, insurance fund application range andhave many problems, management does not regulate therestrictions and so on, need one one solution. In order to meet the requirements of accession to the WTO, must conform to the development trend of international financialmarket, the positive development of Chinese insurance, toabsorb foreign advanced technology and manag


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