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常用介词的主要用法表(按字母顺序) 介词 用法 例句 about 关于 He is eager to know everything about his home town. 他急于知道有关他家乡的一切事。 大约 He is about twenty. 他大约二十岁。 到处,在周围(附近) He saw many books lying about his study. 他看见许多书零乱地放在书房里。 在身边等 Have you a pen about you? 你身边带钢笔没有? above(与below相反) 在....上方 The plane is flying above ther cloud. 飞机在云层上面飞行。 高出 The Partys interests are above personal interests. 党的利益高于个人利益。 以上,超过(数量、年龄等) She is above fifty. 她五十多岁了。 across 横过 He is able to swim across the Changjiang River. 他能横渡长江。 在....对面 The factory is across the river. 工厂在河对岸。 after(与before相反) 在....之后(表示时间或地点) My brother came back after a month. 我兄弟一个月后回来的。 The wolf was running after Mr.Dong Guo. 狼正在追东郭先生。 against 靠着 Dont stand against the door. 不要靠门站着。 反对(与for相反) Are you for or against the plan? 你赞成还是反对这个计划? along 沿着,顺着 There are a lot of people walking along the river. 很多人沿着河边散步。 among 在....当中(两者以上的中间) The new products aroused special interest among visitors. 这些新产品在参观者当中引起了特别大的兴趣。 around 在周围,围绕 The Pioneers sat around the table. 少先队员们围着桌子坐着。 在....那边,在转过...的地方 The bookstore is just around the corner. 书店就在拐角过去的地方。 as 作为 I study Japanese as a second foreign language. 我把日语作为第二外语来学。 at 在某个地点、场所(较小地方) Who is standing at the door? 谁站在门口? 在时间、时刻、阶段 He joined the army at sixteen. 他十六岁参军。 对引起某种情绪之原因加以说明 We rejoiced at the good news. 我们为这个好消息感到欣喜。 向 Her mother smiled at her. 她母亲向她笑了笑。 速度;比率;价格等 The car runs at the rate of sixty miles an hour. 这辆轿车每小时行六十英里。 before(与after相反) 在...之前(地点) A truck stopped before the school building. 一辆卡车停在教学楼前。 在...之前(时间) We finished the work the day before yesterday. 我们前天结束了这项工作。 behind 在...后面 There are many trees behind the house. 屋后有许多树。 比...晚 The train is behind time. 火车晚点了。 below 在...下面 Water was found ten feet below the surface. 在地面下十英尺处找到了水。 低于 He is below fifty,I think. 我想他不满50岁。 beside 在...旁边 Come and sit beside me. 过来坐在我旁边。 besides 除...外(还有) What other courses do you take besides English? 除了英语外还学什么课程? between 在...(二者)之间 Between the do


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