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* 请每组讨论一下,我们课程体系构建中的常见问题都有哪些? 用4分钟的时间,将你们小组讨论的结果写下来,每种方法写在一张纸上。 然后我们各个小组轮流发言,说出一个你们的方法,并说出它的适用的时候,我们最后来看看都有些什么样的问题会遇到。 ……过程进行中。 * * * 岗位是最基础的数量 工种是一个业务种类里若干个岗位的集成 职责:一组工作任务群,通常每份工作有6到12个 任务:具体的有意义的工作单元,每个工作职责应当有6-20任务,每个工作应当有75-125个工作任务 工作步骤:完成一项工作任务所需要发生的具体活动 * * 不是所有的工作都需要做分析的,用fid来分析,通常9分是个分水岭,大于9分的是需要进行关键任务分析的。 * * 一个成功的培训给利益攸关方所带来的价值在多大程度上满足了利益攸关方对培训所持有的期望 Facilitator notes: Hold up a copy of the August 2010 T+D Magazine with the article about how ROE is the “better mousetrap”. NEED A COPY FOR EACH FACILITATOR Guidelines for what to do and say: Now we’ll move to Level 4 Results. First we need to introduce another definition: ROE or return on expectations. This is what a successful training initiative delivers to key business stakeholders, demonstrating the degree to which their expectations have been satisfied. This is a key differentiator in the Kirkpatrick methodology from other ways to measure training value. It is proactive, in that training professionals have to work with the business before the training initiative even starts. Together they determine what success will look like, and generally how it will be measured. When programs start with this clarity on the final outcomes desired by key business stakeholders, they have a chance of succeeding. Further teamwork to develop Level 3 behaviors and set up drivers helps to deliver the ROE stakeholders expect. This is in contrast to ROI, or return on investment, which is a computation that attempts to isolate the value of the training program alone. ROI is a defensive and reactive tactic. After a program is over, there is an attempt to go back and see what value the program provided. There is little or no collaboration between training and the business they serve. Rather, there is more of an effort to separate the two, so training can “take credit” for what they did and not take into account efforts by business managers and supervisors after the training. ROI also encompasses only a financia


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