Unit 8 The Olympic Games.PPT

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Unit 8 The Olympic Games.PPT

What does each ring stand for? blue---Europe yellow---Asia black---Africa green---Australia(Oceania) red--- America The ancient Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC in ______. At that time the young men ________ in running, jumping and wrestling. But women were not allowed to ____ ____ ___ the games in the past.The old Olympic games _______ about the year 393 AD. Blank- filling However, the first Olympic Games in ______ times happened in the year 1896. But there were only 311 _________ from 13 countries. The ____ Olympic Games were held in Sydney. The Olympic ______ is “_______, Higher, Stronger”. It means that every _______ should try to ____ faster, ____higher, and _____ further. * Unit 8 The Olympic Games 1 1896 希腊雅典 Athens Greece 2 1900 法国巴黎 Paris France 3 1904美国圣路易 St Louis the USA 4 1908 英国伦敦 London Britain 5 1912瑞典斯德哥尔摩 Stockholm Sweden 7 1920 比利时安特卫普Antwerpen Belgium 8 1924 法国巴黎 Paris France 9 1928 荷兰阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam the Netherlands 10 1932美国洛杉矶 Los Angeles the USA 11 1936 德国柏林 Berlin Germany 14 1948 英国伦敦 London Britain 15 1952芬兰赫尔辛基 Helsinki Finland 16 1956澳大利亚墨尔 Melbourne Australia 17 1960 意大利罗马 Rome Italy 18 1964 日本东京 Tokyo Japan 19 1968墨西哥墨西哥城 Mexico 20 1972德国慕尼黑 Munich Germany 21 1976加拿大蒙特利尔Montreal Canada 22 1980苏联莫斯科 Moscow Soviet Union 23 1984美国洛杉矶 Los Angeles the USA 24 1988 韩国汉城 Seoul Korea 25 1992西班牙塞罗那 Barcelona Spain 26 1996 美国亚特兰大Atlanta the USA 27 2000澳大利亚悉尼 Sydney Australia   28 2004 希腊雅典 Athens Greece  What does each ring stand for? 1??? In what year were the modern Olympic Games first held? A 1896 B 1906 C 776 BC 2????What do the five Olympic


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