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/ 资料来源:/ / 根据汉语提示完成句子。 My brother is studying _________ ________ (计算机科学), and he wants to be a ___________ (电脑程序员). 2.Li Lei’s uncle is a ____________(专业的) engineer in the factory. 3.I think he can become a good _______(飞行员). 4. Bai Yansong is a famous _________ (新闻记者) from CCTV. ` computer science programmer professional pilot reporter / 1. ____ you ____ a teacher when you grow up? A Will; going to be?? B Are; going to be? C Are; /?? D Will; be 2. I don’t know if Tom _____. Maybe he ___ if it doesn’t rain. A will come; comes??? B will come; will come?? C comes; comes?? D comes; will come B B 单项选择填空 / 3. He will be back ____a few minutes. A with? B for? C on? D in 4. What time ____we go to the station tomorrow? A will? B shall? C do? D are 5. He will leave Beijing as soon as he ______ the work next week. A finishes? B doesn’t finish? C will finish? D won’t finish D B A / 6. There____a party this afternoon. A will be?? B will have?? C is going to have?? D are going to have 7. It____National Day tomorrow. We ___ a party. A is going to be; will have?? B will be; is having?? C will be; are going to have?? D will have; is going to be 8. Tom is 10 years old now, next year he ___11. A is? B is going to be?? C will be?? D will to be A C C New Year’s Resolutions New year is coming, I’m going to do a lot of things next year. First, I want to improve my Chinese, so I’m going to practice it very often and have many conversations with my Chinese friends. Then, I want to take part in the sports meeting and get good grades, so I’m going to do sports every day such as swimming, running and so on. At the same time, I’m going to eat more healthy food instead of junk food. LOGO / Unit 6 I’m g


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