××公司软件研发人员激励策略改进建议 MBA毕业论文.doc

××公司软件研发人员激励策略改进建议 MBA毕业论文.doc

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××公司软件研发人员激励策略改进建议 摘 要 知识经济时代,企业的竞争归根结底是人才的竞争。软件企业作为典型的知识型企业,提高核心竞争力的关键是调动企业研发人员的主动性和创造性。研究对研发人员的激励措施,有助于提高员工的工作积极性和效率、缩短产品研发周期,加快企业创新步伐,增强企业市场竞争力。【目的】以人力资源的激励理论和方法为指导,探讨××公司软件部的激励措施存在的问题,提出了针对性的改良方案。【方法】本文以××公司软件研发部为例,从激励的相关理论入手,通过问卷调查,搜集第一手资料,结合该部门的实际情况及软件研发人员自身的特点和个性化需求进行分析和探索。【结果】对该部门的人员激励存在以下问题: 1.工作缺乏挑战性;2.员工缺乏成就感;3.绩效测评不合理4.缺乏对员工的职业规划。5.薪酬设计单一6.培训和深造机会较少等。【结论】据此,作者从人力资源管理的角度从物质激励和非物质激励两个方面对该部门提出了针对性的改良措施。 关键字:激励机制、绩效考核、知识型员工、职业生涯规划 ABSTRACT In the knowledge economy times, the competitiveness of enterprises is talent competition. Software companies as a typical knowledge-based enterprises and the key to improve core competitiveness is to mobilize R D personnel’s initiative and creativity. Research on the R D incentives is helpful to improve staff motivation and efficiency, shorten product development cycles , accelerate the pace of business innovation, and enhance their market competitiveness. 【Objective】Human resources, incentive theory and methodology as the guide to explore ncentivess problems of the software Department of Maipu , put forward specific improvement programs.【Methods】 The software R D of Maipu as an example, starting from the incentive theories, through a questionnaire survey to collect first-hand information, combined with the sectors actual situation and software developers of their own characteristics and individual needs analysis and exploration. 【Results】 There are the following problems in the incentives of the personnel department: 1. The lack of challenge; 2. The lack of a sense of accomplishment; 3. Performance evaluation unreasonable 4. Lack of employee career planning. 5. 6. Training and further education opportunities for less so.【Conclusion】 Accordingly, on human resources management from the perspective of the material incentives and non-material incentives the author proposes some specific improvement measures. Key Words: Incentive system, Performance evaluation, Knowledge workers, Career plannin 目录 摘要 1 目录 3 第一章 前言 4 第二章 研究


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