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introduction to interpreting Introduction to Interpreting Luo Yaoguang College of Foreign Studies Guangxi Normal University Contact Details: Rm228,Admin. Bldg. Yanshan Campus Rm201,Cofs Bldg. Yucai Campus Tel:)3691012(Yanshan) 5802225(Yucai E-mail: yg722@ 1.? The Definition of Interpretation 1.1 Interpretation is an extempore oral reproduction, in one language, of what is said in another language. (Zhong Shukong:1984) 1.2 口译是一种通过听取和解析来源语所表达的信息,随即将其转译为目标语的语言符号,进而达到传递信息之目的的语言交际活动。(梅德明:1996) What is interpreting? Interpreting is an activity that consists of establishing, simultaneously or consecutively, oral or gesture communication between two or more speakers not speaking the same language. (Jean Delisle et al, 2004) What is interpreting? Interpreting is a form of translation which a first and final rendition in another language is produced on the basis of a one-time presentation of an utterance in a source language. (P?chhacker, F., 2004:11) What is interpreting? Interpretation Vs. Interpreting The word interpretation is also used in English to refer to the act of mediation, but interpreting is commonly used instead in translation studies in order to distinguish the two aspects. 2. History and present situation of interpreting ? 2.1? The oldest and the youngest profession. 口译作为一种专门职业,在我国已有二千多年的历史。古时,从事口译职业的人被称之为“译”、“寄”、“象”、“狄鞮”、“通事”或“通译”。《礼计·王制)中记载:“五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同。达其志,通其欲,东方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄鞮,北方曰译。”《癸幸杂识后集·译者》作了这样的解释:“译,陈也;陈说内外之言皆立此传语之人以通其志,今北方谓之通事。”《后汉·和帝纪》提到了当时对译者的需求:“都护西指,则通译四万。”虽然数百年来西方各国也有专司口译之职的人员,然而,口译作为一种在国际上被认定为正式专门职业却是本世纪第一次世界大战的产物。(梅德明,1998:2) for more information, please refer to《中国口译史》黎难秋,青岛:青岛出版社,2002。 2. History and present situation of interpreting ? 2.2 Two historical events stimulated the development of the profession: The Paris Peace Conference of 1919, and the Nuremberg Trials of Nazi war criminals (German, English, French Russian). 2.3 The symbols of the formal establishment of


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