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参考资料 Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon. Management Information Systems: managing the digital firm, 9th Edition Pearson - Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2006 肯尼斯. 劳顿,简. 劳顿 箸. 薛华成 编译. 管理信息系统. 北京:机械工业出版社,2011. Challenge: 104 plants, 37 countries, 14,000 suppliers Solutions: Integrated Volume Planning System connects demand side of business with suppliers, reducing inventories. Powerway helps 3,400 suppliers track parts and quality, reducing errors. Demonstrates IT’s role in operational excellence, better quality products, and agility–time to market Illustrates the emerging digital firm landscape where information can flow seamlessly among business partners to create a superior customer experience * The basic point of this graphic is that in order to achieve its business objectives, a firm will need a significant investment in IT. Going the other direction (from right to left), having a significant IT platform can lead to changes in business objectives and strategies. Emphasize the two-way nature of this relationship. Businesses rely on information systems to help them achieve their goals; a business without adequate information systems will inevitably fall short. But information systems are also products of the businesses that use them. Businesses shape their information systems and information systems shape businesses. 这个图形的基本点是,为了实现其业务目标,公司将需要在这方面进行大量投资。走向另一个方向(由右至左)、有一个重要的IT平台,可导致业务目标和战略的变化。强调这种关系的双向性。企业依靠信息系统帮助他们实现目标;一个没有足够的信息系统的企业将不可避免地下滑。但是,信息系统也使用的企业的产品。企业形成他们的信息系统,信息系统形成企业。 * These are some basic background understandings needed for the course. A system refers to a set of components that work together (hopefully). Can students think of systems other than information systems? The point of an information system is to make sense out all the confusing data in the environment, and put the data into some kind of order. Information is an ordered set of data that you can understand and act on. If the students want to get a sense of raw data, show them a stock t



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