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Lesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the world The Verrazano Bridge 维拉萨诺大桥 The introduction of Verrazano 维拉萨诺桥(Verrazano Suspension Bridge)是为纪念意大利探险家维拉萨诺命名的。维拉萨诺大桥由奥斯马.阿曼设计,连结着布鲁克林与斯塔顿岛,桥长4,260英尺。 是一条位于美国纽约州纽约市的桥梁,以双层结构的悬索桥横跨维拉萨诺海峡。维拉萨诺是有纪录以来第一个进入纽约港以及哈德逊河的欧洲探险家。 construction 建造工程于1959年8月13日动工,并于1964年11月21日完工而上层通车,总造价共花费超过$3.2亿美元,下层后来在1969年6月28日也通车。完工后的维拉萨诺海峡大桥因比金门大桥长,所以成为当时全世界最长的悬索桥,直到1981年位于英格兰赫尔的亨伯桥完工。 Contents New words and expression suspension n.悬,吊;暂停 suspension?bridge 吊桥 suspension of business 停业 suspend vt.吊, 悬挂 -- The?light?is?suspended?from?the?ceiling. suspend vt.暂停, 暂缓 -- The?train?was?suspended?because?of?the?heavy?rain. suspense n.担心、挂念、悬念(in suspense) -- The wonderful film gave me a good expression because of its suspense. (悬念) -- He didn’t tell me the truth. It kept me in suspense all day. suspender n.吊袜带,(裤子或裙子的)背带 agreeable adj.宜人的(-- Today?is?agreeable.) agreeable?situation宜人的地方 -- His house is in a agreeable situation. Place: pleasant or comfortable Person: easy-going She was a very cheerful, agreeable woman. The students were agreeable to my suggestion. 学生们欣然赞成我的提议。 situation n.地点,地方 (= location = position) situate vt.使位于, 使处于 locate v.位于 -- Beijing?is?located?in?the?North?of?China. -- Japan is?located?to the east of China. the domestic situation 国内形势 the international situation 国际形势 the current situation 时局 the political situation 政局 the actual situation at a given time and place 当时当地的实际情况 a difficult situation 困难处境 a thrilling situation 紧张的局面 immortal? adj.永生的,流芳百世的 n. 神仙,流芳百世的人 mortal adj.致命的,终有一死的。n. 凡人,人类 Eg.Truth is immortal;error is mortal. 真理永恒,谬误短暂。 mortality. n.必死的命运,死亡数 近义词:eternal,monumental Brooklyn n.布鲁克林(纽约一区名) Staten n.斯塔顿(岛) span n.跨度;一段时间 如:the whole span of English history 英国历史的全程 cable n.缆索 concrete n.混凝土 suspend v.悬挂hang freely These small animals can suspend from the branches by their tails length n.根,段 estimate v.估计 evaluate,guess at, measure -- underestim


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