综英3 Session One.pptVIP

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综英3 Session One.ppt

《综合英语教程3》 Integrated Skills of English 3 叶慧瑛 yhy82@669780 Teaching plan for this semester---- materials and general requirements 1.Mainly focus on the textbook; 2. “Read more”------fast reading in class; 3. Enlarge your voc.-----extra Ex for you to finish after class and discuss in class; 4.Note-writing Ex; 5.Doub le week-----News Listen to This, etc. 6.Dic. of newly-learned words and phrases; 7.1 passage Dic. in class, 2/3 passages after class; Listen to VOA/ BBC everyday by yourselves; 8.Finish after-class Tem 4 exercises. The Diagnose Test and Voc. Test will be arranged soon. Actively get yourselves involved in discussion and presentation. Be interested in exploring and experiencing. Be cooperative and willing to share. Broaden your mind. Prerequisites (skills or background needed): Try to be familiar with the use of computers as well as search skills using the Internet and other resources. you should cultivate a habit of prestudy the lesson twice: 1st time is skimming scanning for main idea, 2nd time is detailed study for grasping ideas and answering questions. 2. Cultivate your interest in concerning international sensitive issues by way of listening to VOA BBC, watching CNN news ,etc. reading more online materials Doing more Tem 4 exercises so that you can improve your language skills. Study method Reading Writing Watching Thinking Discussion Presentation Teaching materials Recommended Textbooks: 1.《《综合英语教程3》/黄源深 /高等教育出版社 2. Extra materials ---TEM 4 exercises, etc. 3. Internet : Wikipedia,BBC, CNN, CCTV, Xinhua News Agency 考核方法及成绩评定 1、考核类别:考试 2、考核形式:闭卷 3、成绩评定:百分制: 平时成绩(20%),考试成绩(80%) Some web sites for you: 1) 2). www. 3). 4). /learning 5). ? ? ? 7). www. 8). Bond and Pond quiz: /general/bond_game.html 有点饶舌的听力测验,还蛮不错的。 11. English as Second Lauguage: /cs/listening/ 有初级、中级、进阶程度。 在”beginner level learning” 点一下,会进入另一个页面,再点选想要听的主题。有测验,答案在方框


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