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英国詹姆士时期的家具Jacobean1600~1690 家具主要是橡木制造,虽然已变得较舒适,但其式样依然遵循伊利莎白時期的僵硬设计。装饰品是笨重的。文艺复兴的影响显而易见。这些特殊的设计可在厚重的箱子、桌子、椅子見到。刺绣与挂毯被作为装饰品运用到室内。这时之所以被命为詹姆士一世時代,乃因其为这一时期有力的政治集团之故。 名稱:Court Cupboard 地點:Temple Newsam House, Leeds 年代:十七世紀早期 A court cupboard is a storage piece and an important place to display silver and other household treasures. In this Jacobean example, traces of Renaissance architectural classicism appear in the arches of the lower door and in the Ionic columns on top of the bulbous turned columns. Some of the carving has been influenced by Mannerist strap-work. The oak cupboard is also decorated with inlaid patterns of contrasting light and dark woods. 名稱:Wainscot Chair 年代:1620 AD The wainscot chair was named for its structural relationship to joined paneling or wainscot. This beautiful oak example is built in the English Renaissance tradition. The chairs primary decorative feature is the symmetrical carved panel of stylized floral patterns. Front legs and arm supports are turned. The overall heaviness and solidity is typical of the early years of the century. 英国克伦威尔时期的家具Cromwellian1648~1659 名稱:Farthingale Chair 地點:Vidtoria and Albert Museum, 倫敦 年代:1650 AD Simple and unpretentious, this oak chair typifies the furniture produced in England during Cromwell Vs Commonwealth, when a puritanical sensibility rejected all forms of luxury. The low and armless chair is an outgrowth of earlier forms. Before 1600 a low back had been added to stools. Legend has it that the form was kept armless and simple to accommodate elaborate farthingale skirts, from which the chair derives its name. 英国复辟时期的家具Restoration1659~1689 名稱:Armchair 年代:1680 AD This armchair is closely related in form to French chairs of the same period. In England the style is known as the Charles II or Restoration style. Characteristically simple, it is made of natural wood in place of gilded wood; here the wood is walnut. Also turning has supplanted carving as a form of ornament. 名稱:Sleeping Chair 地點:Ham House,


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