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大學校園的教與學 邱于真 Outline Introduction Why emphasize teaching? How Motivation Lecture Other teaching methods Conclusion Introduction Why emphasize teaching? Golden Principles of Undergraduate Teaching?? 大學教學的黃金原則 Motivation-Two perspectives “Our biggest problem here is that the students just are not motivated. They just don’t seem to care, they are not interested in learning. I can’t teach students like this, if they don’t have it before they come here, then I don’t know what to do.” Faculty member Motivation-Two perspectives (cont.) “Well, to me, it is up to the professor to motivate me. I want to learn, but sometimes the material is so boring and the professor just loves it and they go on and on about meaningless things. You know, just because they are interested in it, it doesn’t mean everyone else is, they should try to listen to a lecture in a subject they don’t know anything about and see if they like it. I bet they would fall asleep too.” College student Factors influencing Motivation Amount of choice Desire to learn Value of the subjects Level of challenge Motivation-from theory to practices Reinforcement theory (強化理論) 獎勵、稱讚 Need theory (需求理論) 提供成功的機會 Attribution theory (歸因理論) 失敗---努力 Motivation-整合型動機策略 ARCS model (Keller, 1983, 1987) Attention:維持注意 Relevance:有適切感 Confidence:建立信心 Satisfaction:獲得滿足 Motivation-more practical practices 安排作業時,將學生的「選擇權」以及「控制感」納入考慮 在課堂上分享自己在教學以及研究上的內在動機 設法使課程以及討論有趣 讓學生在平時考試時熟悉考試形式,並得以從錯誤中學習。批改考卷時,可以考慮將大部分學生答錯的題目刪除,並且在發回考卷的時候,重新再將該觀念教一次 教師的回饋必須是即時、有建設性,而非控制性的 營造班上氣氛為合作(cooperative),而非競爭的(competitive) 學生上課注意力曲線 教師上課注意力曲線 All are sleeping Just one is preaching Such performance is called here “teaching” (A German Jingle) Dilworth (1996): Spray and Pray 噴灑與祈禱學習法 Lecture:pros and cons 歷史最久,最廣為使用之教學法 Pros:transmit facts, share complex intellectual analyses, synthesize ideas, clarify controversial issues, compare and contrast different view


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