TI TPS61061+CC2531ZigBee连接家庭LED照明参考设计.docx

TI TPS61061+CC2531ZigBee连接家庭LED照明参考设计.docx

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TI TPS61061+CC2531ZigBee连接家庭LED照明参考设计.docx

TI TPS61061+CC2531ZigBee连接家庭LED照明参考设计 时间:2015-07-13 10:32:44?????? 作者:TI?????? 来源:中电网 TI公司的ZigBee连接可调光的家庭白光LED照明参考设计是采用TPS6106x高频同步升压转换器和CC2531 ZigBee无线系统级芯片(SoC),是低成本高效率解决方案,非常适合照明网络连接和IOT系统应用.本文介绍了TPS6106x和CC2531主要特性,框图,以及家庭LED照明参考设计主要特性,电路图和材料清单. TPS6106x: The TPS6106x is a high-frequency, synchronous boost converter with constant current output to drive up to 5 white LEDs. For maximum safety, the device features integrated overvoltage and an advanced short-circuit protection when the output is shorted to ground. The device operates with 1-MHz fixed switching frequency to allow for the use of small external components and to simplify possible EMI problems. The device comes with three different overvoltage protection thresholds (14 V/18 V/23 V) to allow inexpensive and small-output capacitors with lower voltage ratings. The LED current is initially set with the external sense resistor Rs, and the feedback voltage is regulated to 500 mV or 250 mV, depending on the ILED pin configuration. Digital brightness control is implemented by applying a simple digital signal to the ILED pin. Alternatively, a PWM signal up to 1 kHz can be applied to the enable pin to control the LED brightness. During shutdown, the output is disconnected from the input to avoid leakage current through the LEDs. TPS6106x主要特性: LED Driver With Integrated Overvoltage? and Short-Circuit Protection 2.7-V to 6-V Input Voltage Range 500-mV/250-mV Feedback Voltage TPS61060 Powers Up to 3 LEDs TPS61061 Powers Up to 4 LEDs TPS61062 Powers Up to 5 LEDs PWM Brightness Control on Enable Digital Brightness Control on ILED 1-MHz Fixed Switching Frequency 400-mA Internal Power MOSFET Switch LEDs Disconnected During Shutdown Operates With Small-Output Capacitors? Down to 220 nF Up to 80% Efficiency 8-Pin NanoFree??Package (Chipscale, CSP) 3 × 3-mm QFN Package TPS6106x应用: ? White LED Drivers? ? Cellular Phones? ? PDAs, Pocket PCs, and Smart Phones ? Digital Still Cameras? ? Handheld Devices 图1.TPS6106x框图


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