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英译汉的疑点 Teaching Objectives 1. Reasons for static English and dynamic Chinese; 2. Transformation methods from static English to dynamic Chinese 动态表达与静态表达 (Static vs. Dynamic) Broadly speaking, nouns can be characterized as “static” in that they refer to entities that are regarded as stable. At the opposite pole, verbs can be equally characterized as “dynamic”: they are fitted (by their capacity to show tense and aspect, for example) to indicate action, activity and temporary or changing conditions(Quirk 1973:48). Adjectives and prepositions often go hand in hand with nouns while adverbs are frequently used with verbs. 动态表达与静态表达 (Static vs. Dynamic) English is featured by its predominance of nouns over verbs. Our western civilization, it has been said, favours an over-development of the intellect at the expense of the emotions. That is why people prefer nouns to verbs. They suffer from what the Germans call ‘noun disease’. Instead of saying quite simply and straightforwardly London is growing rapidly, they say London’s growth is rapid. And they say John’s arrival was premature instead of John came too soon. (S. Potter,1960) 动态表达与静态表达 (Static vs. Dynamic) English makes more use of nouns, adjectives, and prepositions, and is therefore more static. Conversely, Chinese often employs verbs, adverbs, verbal phrases, repetition and reduplication of verbs, and is therefore more dynamic. 动态表达与静态表达 (Static vs. Dynamic) Compare the English sentences with the Chinese versions: 1. The doctor’s extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery. 医生迅速到达,并非常仔细地检查了病人,因此病人很快就康复了。 2. The abuse of basic human rights in their own country in violation of the agreement reached at Helsinki earned them the condemnation of freedom-loving people everywhere. 他们违反在赫尔辛基达成的协议,在国内侵犯基本人权,因此受到了各地热爱自由的人们的谴责。 Reasons for static English and dynamic Chinese 1.由动词或形容词派生而来的抽象名词,这些词语多具有潜在或隐含的动态性,或者说系由相应的动态表述形式转化而来。 儿子让我们大失所望 静态:Our son


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