新视野大学英语第第二册 unit3.ppt

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Marriage Across Nations What is marriage? For example w-washing i-ironing f-food e-entertaining A man and woman married to be husband and wife. Guess the meaning of husband, wife and family What is nation? Marrying someone from a different country... Marriage across nations Different countries have different or the same way of marriage? American way: marriage A young man asks the father of his sweetheart for permission to marry her. The man usually gives his fiancee a diamond ring as a symbol of their engagement. As the big day approaches, bridal showers(新娘送礼会) and bachelor‘s parties(单身汉派对) provide many useful gifts. Chinese way: marriage (1)Proposing: find a matchmaker(媒婆). (2) Birthday matching(算生辰八字):compatibility of the potential bride and bridegroom. (3) Presenting betrothal (婚约)gifts(聘礼) (4) Presenting wedding gifts (5) Picking a wedding date (6) Wedding ceremony The difference of wedding By seeing so many differences between western and eastern marriages, do you think what are the possible problems the cross-culture couple may encounter? Tips language barrier differences in values religious conflicts taste for food… Are you willing to marry a foreigner? Why? Failed marriage Zhang Manyu divorced with her husband. Wei Wei (韦唯) ’s husband is a famous Swedish composer. They divorced at 2010. Successful marriage Echo’s(三毛) husband is a Spanish professional diver. Liu Ye’s wife is a French reporter. What is necessary for a successful cross-cultural marriage in your opinion? Marriage across nations Listen to the text Gail’s mother worried about we marry for the wrong reason. Is this passage a narrative(记叙文) or argumentation(议论文)? Find out the contents related to the elements of the passage: Who, What, Why Gail, I-Mark and Gail’s parents Gail’s parents oppose our marriage Who: What is this passage mainly about: Why do they oppose: Gail’s father suspected my purpose for marriage. Gail and I, our relationship Mother and father, their opposing Why do t


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