
私募股权基金在我国的发展效应及存在的问题 毕业论文.doc

私募股权基金在我国的发展效应及存在的问题 毕业论文.doc

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对私募股权基金在我国的发展现状及其自身优势的探析 摘 要 改革开放后,我国经济和社会发展在快速腾飞。然而,使中国脱掉贫穷落后外衣的固有经济增长方式,也越来越不能适应21世纪中国的发展需求。中国的发展需要更多新鲜的血液,其中资本尤为重要。私募股权基金源于美国,并对美国取得第三次科技革命的胜利及此后在世界经济中的霸主地位功不可没。虽在我国处于起步阶段,但无论其对传统行业的整合,还是对高新技术行业的资本支持,私募股权基金所发挥的作用越来越重要。尤其在资本为王的时代,私募股权基金必将成为中国乃至整个世界经济增长新的引擎。本文通过对私募股权基金在我国的发展现状及其自身优势的探析,分析私募股权基金在我国的发展效应、探讨其发展中存在的问题,并借鉴国际经验对我国私募股权基金未来的发展提出建议及对策。 关键词:私募股权基金;资本支持;发展效益;存在问题 Abstract After the reform and opening up, Chinas economic and social development have taken off more fast. However, the Chinese economic growth inherent ,taking off her cloak of poverty and backwardness , are unable to meet the development needs of the 21st century increasingly. China needs more fresh blood, in which capital is particularly significant. From their boring in America ,Private Equity Funds had contributed The United States to obtain the initiative in the Third Technological Revolution and the subsequent victory in the world economic dominance .Although Private Equity Funds are in infancy in China, they play a more increasingly important role ,either in traditional industries’ integration or the capital support in high-tech industry .Especially in the capital king era ,Private Equity Funds will become a new engine of economic growth in China and the world. Based on the Private Equity Funds in Chinas Development and the advantages of their own, the paper analyses Private Equity Funds’ development effects in China and the problems in its development, learns from international experience and also makes recommendations and countermeasures for Private Equity Funds’ future development in China.朗读 Keywords: Private Equity Fund; Capital Support; Developmental Effect ; Problems Existing 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音?字典前 言 1 一、私募股权基金在我国的发展现状 2 (一)私募股权基金的概念和分类 2 (二)私募股权基金在我国的产生和发展 2 (三)私募股权基金在我国的发展现状 2 二、私募股权基金的特点和效应分析 4 (一)私募股权基金的特点 4 1.长期稳定的资金来源 4 2.积极有效地资金管理方式 4 3.保密性强 5 4.培养与激励管理层,促进企业成长 5 (二)私募股权基金的效应分析 5 1.私募股权基金的效应分析—微观企业层面 5 (1)私募股权基金有利于解决中小企业融资问题,促进中小企业发展 5 (2)私募股权基金有利于企业优化股权结构、获得先进管理经验,提高 运营效率 6 (3)私募



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