
思八达及其对民营企业家培训存在的问题及对策 毕业论文.docx

思八达及其对民营企业家培训存在的问题及对策 毕业论文.docx

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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT22 摘 要 近年来,随着国民经济的高速发展,一批批民营企业逐步发展壮大,作为企业领路人的民营企业家亟需提升领导素质,从而导致企业管理培训行业的兴起。经过20多年的发展,管理培训已日渐成熟。传统的管理培训大多以提高管理方法和技能为主,培训内容单一,存在很多问题。而思八达独辟蹊径,抓住民营企业家迫切需要提高管理水平的心理需要,开创以“智慧”为核心的一系列品牌课程,其独特的管理培训思路值得推广和借鉴,然而作为管理培训的龙头,自身也存在一些问题。本文针对思八达及其对民营企业家培训问题加以分析并提出对策,希望能对思八达及民营企业家有一些帮助。 本文主要研究思八达及其对民营企业家培训存在的问题。首先介绍了本文研究的背景、意义、内容和方法,对文章研究的主要内容和基本框架作出简要的阐述,并回顾了民营企业家及企业培训等相关理论,接着介绍了思八达集团目前培训发展现状,然后对思八达及其对民营企业培训相关的问题进行了分析并提出相关对策,最后对论文进行总结与展望。 关键词:思八达集团 民营企业 企业家 管理培训 ABSTRACT In recent years, with the rapid development of the national economy, a batch of private enterprises gradually grow as a business leads the way private entrepreneurs need to enhance leadership qualities, leading to the rise of corporate management training industry. After 20 years of development, management training has become more mature. Mostly traditional management training and skills-based training methods, training a single, there are many problems. Octopus inventive and thinking, according to private entrepreneurs to participate in training the psychological needs of the customer, creating a series of wisdom as the core brand of course, its unique management training ideas worthy of promotion and learn from, but as a leader in management training, itself, there are some problem. This article is for Octopus thinking and its impact on the training of private entrepreneurs to analyze and propose a solution, hoping to think of training Octopus and private entrepreneurs have some help. This paper is divided into the following sections for analysis and research. This paper first describes the background, meaning, content and methods of the main contents of this paper and a brief exposition of the basic framework, reviewed relevant theories, and then point describes the thinking Octopus Group currently training and development status, and then think of eight of its impact on private enterprise training-related problems were analyzed and discussed and put forward relevant countermeasur


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