中国和蒙古国花语的分析 毕业论文.doc

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齐 齐 哈 尔 大 学 留学生毕业论文 题 目 中国和蒙古国花语的分析 学 院 国际交流学院 专业班级 汉语言F班 学生姓名 指导老师 成 绩 2013年 06月20日 摘 要 俊美娇羞的花,点缀了我们的生活,带来了美的视觉享受。随着人类文明的发展,人们开始赋予花 “灵魂”让花具有特殊的含义。从此,花更加受到了人们的青睐,在人间散发着温情。鲜花,以其艳丽的色彩、馥郁的清香及怡情的神韵,给人类带来美的享受。亲朋好友们在喜庆的日子相互赠送鲜花,参加社会活动也有鲜花相伴,用鲜花传递祝福与问候,增进亲情、友情与爱情。 同一种花卉,在不同的国家和地区,代表的意义往往不同,其花语自然也就不同了。花语最早起源于古希腊,但每个国家花语历史不同,来源、稍有差异,也就造成了截然不同的花语风格。 人皆爱花儿,往往根据花卉的某些特征和生长特性赋予它某些象征性的意义,以达到“借花寓意”、“借花传情”的目的。不仅如此,花语因民族、地域、文化、习俗、宗教、信仰以及审美观念等不同而有所差别。花虽无言最有情,花语无声胜有声。如:牡丹象征富贵荣华,繁荣昌盛;梅花象征傲骨高洁;荷花象征圣洁清白与无私奉献;兰花象征高风亮节,淡泊名利;玫瑰、郁金香凝聚着人世间最纯真、最热烈的爱情;康乃馨象征着神圣而伟大的母爱等。 关键词:花语; 花语的象征; 四大名花 Abstract Handsome shy flower embellishment our lives, bringing a beautiful visual enjoyment. With the development of human civilization, people began to give flowers soul Let flower has a special meaning. Since then, spend more by the people of all ages, in the world exudes warmth. Flowers, with its bright colors, fragrance fragrance and pleasing charm, brought to mankind enjoy the beauty. Friends and family in a happy occasion giving each other flowers, participate in social activities are also accompanied by flowers, with flowers convey blessings and greetings to promote family, friendship and love. The same kind of flowers, in different countries and regions, the meaning is often different from its florid naturally different. Florid originated in ancient Greece, but the history of each country florid different sources, slightly different, also caused a distinct florid style. Everyone loves flowers, flowers are often based on certain features and growth characteristics give it some symbolic significance, in order to achieve borrow flower meaning, flowers to teaser purposes. Not only that, florid of ethnicity, geography, culture, customs, religion, beliefs, and other aesth


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