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毕 业 论 文 论文题目 气瓶充装数据无线采集系统 的设计与实现 系 别 计算机与电子信息工程系 专 业 班 级 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师(签名) ××× 完成时间 2009 年 5 月 ?? 摘要 数据采集系统是信息科学的一个重要分支,它研究信息数据的采集、存储、处理以及控制等。本文以数据采集系统为核心展开,描述了气瓶充装数据采集的现实环境下的通信网络组成,重点研究了服务器与单片机之间的通信技术。 气瓶具有易燃、易爆的特性,所以对它的管理也显得极为重要。气瓶充装现场理论上来说是一个十分危险的环境,它绝对地严禁烟火,当然也包括带电的计算机。本文针对 关键词:数据采集系统 串行通信 无线传输 单片机 [字数为400字左右,内容包含本项毕业设计(论文)工作的目的、意义、研究方法、研究过程、研究成果及结论、关键词等。突出毕业设计(论文)工作中具有创造性成果和新见解部分,不自做评价。] The designing and implement of the wireless Data Acquisition System on the filling of air containers Abstract Data Acquisition System is an important particular branch of information science, which research on the acquisition, storage, processing and domination of the information or data. This article takes Data Acquisition System as core to launch, describes communications network component under the actual circumstances of data acquisition while filling air containers,focus on the communication technique between server and Single-Chip computer. The Air Containers is inflammable and explosive easily, so its extremely important to administrate. Its very dangerous at the scene of filling the air containers theoretically. Smoking and lighting fires is strictly forbidden, also include charged computer. This article is aimed at the really requirement on the control system of data acquisition while filling air containers. It uses Single-Chip computer, switch, PC client and other devices to compose communications network, and then implement a wireless data acquisition system software to solve the control problem while at the scene of filling the air containers. The paper introduces the character of each device in the communication network, bus architecture and translation technique firstly, and then introduces the serial communication theory between Single-Chip Computer and PC client. It uses Delphi 7.0 to comp


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