《新视野大学英语视听说教程》Book III教案.docVIP

《新视野大学英语视听说教程》Book III教案.doc

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Unit 1 Roll over, Beethoven! 《新视野大学英语视听说教程》Book III教案 林龙凤 Teaching Aims (教学目标): Help the students master the expressions of expressing likes and dislikes. (帮助学生掌握喜欢与不喜欢的表达法。) Help the students master the expressions of making suggestions in conversations. (帮助学生掌握建议的表达法。) Get the students to train the ability to figure out inferences from dialogues. (引导学生培养根据对话做出推论的能力。) Help the students to communicate with others naturally and successfully. (引导学生自然地与人交流。) Teaching Important Points(教学重点): 1. Help the students master the expressions of expressing likes and dislikes. (帮助学生掌握喜欢与不喜欢的表达法。) 2. Help the students master the expressions of making suggestions in conversations. (帮助学生掌握建议的表达法。) 3. Get the students to train the ability to figure out inferences from dialogues. (引导学生培养根据对话做出推论的能力。) Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点): To instruct the students to comprehend the listening material completely and to create new dialogues. (指导学生理解听力材料,并创编出新的对话。) 2.Get the students to train the ability to figure out inferences from dialogues. (引导学生培养根据对话做出推论的能力。) Teaching Type(教学课型):Listening and Speaking(听说课) Teaching Time(教学课时):6 periods The Analysis of the Teaching Material(教材处理): 1. To rearrange the order of listening exercise and speaking exercise, with part of each in one period. (重新调整课文听力练习和口语练习的顺序,使得每节课都有一些听力和口语练习。) 2. To provide videos of CNN news about how fans of BEATLES celebrate the group’s anniversary. (提供一段CNN新闻关于歌迷庆祝Beatles 组团周年庆的视频材料。) 3. If time is limited, leave the part VI for the students to finish by themselves. (如果时间有限,就把第六部分的扩展练习留给学生自主学习。 Teaching Approaches(教学方式):Discussion, listening and speaking practice(讨论、听说); Task-based teaching approach(任务型教学方法); Interactive teaching method(互动型教学方法) Teaching Procedure(教学过程): Step I Greetings Step II Presentation I. Lead-in 1. Instruct the students to ask their partners the following four questions and try to remember their answers. T goes around the classroom to offer help if necessary. What kind of music do most people


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