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国际上,“世界长寿之乡”的标准是每10万人中至少应有7位健康的百岁老人,有24万人口的广西巴马瑶族自治县却有健康百岁老人74位,每10万人中拥有30.8位百岁老人,是国际上关于“世界长寿之乡”标准的4.4倍。 巴马县委宣传部黄渊向记者介绍,根据最近的统计表明,巴马县有80岁到90岁的老人2800个,90岁到99岁老人395个,100岁以上老人74个。 在五个被国际自然医学会认定的世界长寿之乡中,中国广西巴马是长寿乡之首。巴马瑶族自治县位于广西盆地云贵高原的斜坡地带,属亚热带。大自然良好的环境恩赐予巴马人长寿。 Living a Long Life Group discussion What makes good health? Give a list of important things which enable one to have good health and long life and explain why they are important. 1.keep up a good state of mind 2 well balanced diet 3.do sports every day 4 have some good living habits: go to bed early,and get up early, no smoking and drinking. 5.good environment and mild climate Part I Preparation. The goal of life is living in agreement with nature. --- Zeno 生活的目标就是与自然和谐相处---芝诺 Zeno: philosopher in ancient Greek Part II Text. Part One: (para1-2) People in some regions can have a long life. Part Two: (para3-7) The reasons why these people have good health Part Three:(para8) Conclusion. Part One: (para1-2) Text Information: In what regions, people can live a long life? At what age does youth end to Georgians? Words and expressions: 1. out of/ in prep. ◆from a particular number or set 从(某个数目或集)中 *50 out of 100,000 people, 3 people in 100,000 *About 24 out of 1,000 people get wounded in traffic accidents. 1. Nearly 50 out of (every) 100,000 people live to celebrate their 100th birthday. a) nearly/2/out of/10/man/smoke b)about/8/out of/10,000/people/get killed/in traffic accidents c)only/1/out of/120/woman/choose/not to work a. Nearly 2 out of 10 men smoke. b. About 8 out of 10,000 people get killed in traffic accidents. c. Only 1 out of 120 women chooses not to work. 2. compare n./ v. ◆examine people and things to see how they are similar or different 比较,对比 *Compare this with that, and you will see which is better. compare with/by comparison/in comparison with ◆与……比较起来 *Compared with


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