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1. 现代性与审美现代性 程相占 sducxz@163.com 1.2. 哈贝马斯论审美现代性 尤尔根·哈贝马斯(Jürgen Habermas,1929-),德国当代最重要的哲学家、社会理论家之一。历任海德堡大学教授、法兰克福大学教授等。1994年荣休。西方马克思主义法兰克福学派第二代的中坚人物。 他继承和发展了康德哲学,致力于重建“启蒙”传统,视现代性为“尚未完成之工程”,提出了著名的交往理性(communicative rationality)的理论,对后现代主义思潮进行了深刻的对话及有力的批判。 1.2.1. 哈氏的核心观念: 交往(交流)理性 Jürgen Habermas considers his major contribution to be the development of the concept and theory of communicative reason or communicative rationality, which distinguishes itself from the?rationalist tradition, by locating?rationality?in structures of interpersonal linguistic?communication?rather than in the structure of the?cosmos. 人与人之间语言交流的结构 社会理论 This social theory advances the goals of human emancipation(解放), while maintaining an inclusive?universalist?moral?framework. This framework rests on the argument called universal pragmatics (语用论)?- that all?speech acts?have an inherent?telos?(the?Greek?word for “end”) — the goal of mutual understanding, and that human beings possess the communicative competence (交流思想的能力)to bring about such understanding. 1.2.2. 哈贝马斯对后现代主义的批评 Habermas offered some early criticisms in an essay, Modernity versus Postmodernity (1981), which has achieved wide recognition. This essay was originally delivered as a talk in September 1980 when Habermas was awarded the Theodor W. Adorno prize by the city of Frankfurt. It was subsequently delivered as a James Lecture of the New York Institute for the Humanities at New York University in March 1981 and published under the title Modernity Versus Postmodernity in New German Critique 22 (Winter, 1981). 《现代性:一项尚未完成的方案》 Jürgen Habermas, “Modernity-An Incomplete Project” Chapter 1, in Hal Foster (ed.), The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture, Bay Press, 1983. 哈贝马斯的质问与立场 In that essay, Habermas raises the issue of whether, in light of the failures of the twentieth century, we “should try to hold on to the intentions of the Enlightenment, feeble as they may be, or should we declare the entire project of modernity



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