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CONTENTS Key words related to Organophosphate Poisoning Poisoning 中毒 Acute 急性 cholinergic crisis 胆碱能危象 muscarinic signs and symptoms 毒蕈碱样症状 nicotinic signs and symptoms 烟碱样症状 symptoms of central nervous system 中枢神经症状 Key words related to Organophosphate Poisoning acetylcholine 乙酰胆碱 cholinesterase 胆碱酯酶 cholinesterase reactivator 胆碱酯酶复能剂 pralidoxime 解磷定 pyraldoxime methylchloride 氯磷定 pilocarpine 毛果云香碱 blood purification 血液净化 Key words related to Organophosphate Poisoning rebound 反跳 intermediate syndrome 中间综合征 atropinization 阿托品化 atropine poisoning 阿托品中毒 dilatation of pupil 瞳孔扩大 dry mouth 口干 Key words related to Symptom of circulation system Key words related to Symptom of urinary system Blood urine 血尿 proteinuria 蛋白尿 Urethral catheterization 留置导尿 oliguria 少尿 anuria 无尿 urorrhagia 多尿 aconuresis 小便失禁 Key words related to Social assessment past history 既往史 present history 现病史 smoking 吸烟 drinking 饮酒 surgical history 手术史 family history 家族史 fall score 跌倒评分 education 学历 Chief complaint Suffering dyspnea for 3 days after take two kinds of organophosphate orally Diagnosis Acute Organophosphate Poisoning Intermediate Syndrome Present illness 1 Three days ago , she drank 100 ml of two kinds of organophosphate . an hour later ,her parents found her unconscious, lip cyanosis and spittle outflow. She was rushed to the local hospital for emergency department. She became conscious after gastric lavage , establishing mechanical ventilation and using atropine and pralidoxime chloride. Present illness 2 Two days ago ,she became unconscious again, following by a fever with the temperature of 39℃, spittle outflow and lower limbs tic. This morning ,she became coma and was sent to our hospital, admittin


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