欧洲文化入门 The Bible and Christianity.ppt

欧洲文化入门 The Bible and Christianity.ppt

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Life of Jesus Christ: Son of God Born into a poor family. (never rich, short, normal looking) Received Jewish education: reading, memorizing the Old Testament. At the age of 30, Jesus started his “ministry” (the work/duties of a minister in a church). First, he chose twelve men to work with and be his messengers. He did not pick the 12 smartest, most educated, or best looking men. He chose twelve working men. The men abandoned their jobs and followed him. Jesus’ ministry involved healing the sick and dead, teaching people about God, and presenting new ideas about the meaning of life. (Bring the Garden of Eden back to a hurting world) Jesus Christ continued: Many religious (Jewish) leaders were upset at Jesus and his new teachings so they got him in trouble for disturbing the peace and teaching He was the son of God. He was sentenced to death. He was beaten, mocked, and nailed to a cross. He died on the cross. They buried him in a tomb. (A room in a mountain with a large rock as the door). On the third day, he rose from the dead. He conquered death and one day will come back to judge all people. The Cross: movie clip Jesus’ Teachings The Old Testament says to avoid work on the sabbath (Sunday), but Jesus heals people on the sabbath. (Challenge: is it really ‘work’ to help someone?) LOVE God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Love your neighbor. (Who is my neighbor!?--Good Samaritan Story) Movie clip Forgive everyone, because God forgives you. The goal of this life is to prepare for your life AFTER death. (Eternal Life). Money is not “ours” it is a gift from God to use to help others. God loves you always. It’s your choice to love Him. (The Lost Son Story). Christians believe... Jesus came into the world to bring people to God. To show people how to love and live purely. Jesus was killed, but three days later he came back from the dead. His death brings people closer to God in this life. (Closed the separation between people and God). The


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