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Cognitive Psychology, 2nd Ed. Chapter 5 Basic Processes of Memory Encoding concerns perceiving, recognizing, and further processing an object so that it can be later remembered. Storage refers to transferring information from short-term memory to long-term memory. Retrieval concerns searching long-term memory and finding the event that has been stored and retrieved. Sensory Memory Refers to brief persistence of stimuli following transduction. Its function is to permit stimuli to be perceived, recognized, and entered into short-term memory. Duration of 250 ms and large capacity. Iconic vs. echoic sensory memory are similar but estimates of echoic duration were distorted by retrieval from short term memory. Short- vs. Long-Term Stores: Behavioral Dissociations Serial position effect with primacy caused by retrieval from rehearsed items stored in long-term memory; recency benefits from short-term store. Rapid presentation eliminates primacy but preserves recency. Delayed recall eliminates recency but preserves primacy. Short- vs. Long-Term Stores: Neurological Dissociations Anterograde amnesia refers to difficulty in remembering events that occur after the onset of amnesia; disruption in transfer from short- to long-term store. Retrograde amnesia refers to the loss of memory of events that occurred prior to the onset of the illness; disruption in long-term storage or retrieval of past events. Differences Among 3 Memory Stores Capacity—only short-term memory is severely limited in capacity, namely, to 4 chunks. Duration—differences are an order of magnitude or more among sensory 250 ms , short-term 20 s , and long-term 20 years or more . Similarities Among 3 Memory Stores Difficult to distinguish sensory and short-term memory on the basis of coding. Short- as well as long-term stores use semantic coding, although acoustic-articulatory coding dominates short-term memory as seen in the phonemic similarity effect. Similarities among 3 Memory Stores Forgetting f



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