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* Data indicates that intranasal azelastine is just as effective as intranasal fluticasone propionate in reducing nasal congestion * These patients may be effectively treated with an azelastine/fluticasone combination * Rhinitis symptoms can be caused by a number of triggers, and rhinitis can be diagnosed as: Allergic rhinitis — typically diagnosed by a positive skin test (Dykewicz et al., 1998); allergic rhinitis is the most common form of rhinitis, affecting 20 to 40 million people in the US annually, including 10% to 30% of adults and up to 40% of children (Dykewicz et al., 1998) Each year in the US, more than 20 million physician visits are attributed to allergic rhinitis at a cost of $2.4 billion (Blaiss, 2002) Nonallergic vasomotor rhinitis — the most common form of nonallergic rhinitis — diagnosed by a medical history; the various forms of nonallergic rhinitis affect an estimated 15–20 million in the US (Settipane, 2001) Patients who have seasonal allergies with nonallergic triggers are considered to have mixed rhinitis (Settipane, 2001), a condition estimated to affect approximately 22–26 million in the US (Settipane Lieberman, 2001; Settipane Settipane, 2001) More than 4000 patients with rhinitis who participated in an open-label study, 51.5% had seasonal allergic rhinitis with nonallergic triggers, 32.3% had seasonal allergic rhinitis, and 16.2% had nonallergic vasomotor rhinitis (Lieberman et al, 2005) In a survey of 16860 rhinitis patients (based solely on symptom trigger), 77% had seasonal allergic rhinitis with nonallergic triggers, 12% had pure allergic rhinitis, and 9% had pure nonallergic rhinitis (Lieberman et al, 2002) Azelastine has proven efficacy in seasonal, perennial, vasomotor and mixed rhinitis Blaiss MS. Costs of allergic rhinitis. In: Kaliner MA, ed. Current Review of Allergic Diseases. Philadelphia, PA: Current Medicine, Inc,. 2002. pp. 1-6. Dykewicz MS, et al. Diagnosis and management of rhinitis: complete guidelines of the Joint


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