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智课网IELTS备考资料 雅思培训:如何提高英语运用能力 出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别 说明:我们中国人学习英语的时间,从初中到大学,至少有10年的时间:按一周6个小时学习来计算,很多人已经学了2000-3000个小时!但是真正能流利使用英语甚至能正常进行日常英语交流的人数非常有限!如何让英语学以致用?下面就请听智课教育名师为你出谋划策。 很多学生,不管是哪个年龄层,哪个学习阶段,都在烦恼“我为什么说不出或说不好英语”。基础基本是最初阶段的学生会想着怎么基本交流也说不出口;水平高一些的学生会质疑怎么就会那么几句;成都好的学生又要抱怨怎么跟外国人的沟通还是有障碍。从学生阶段走到现在的我也有过这样的烦恼,想来这也不是一个大难题。大家也都熟知,无非是记单词,练听力,练口语。可是真正因此练就出一口地道英语的却鲜见。然后,就招来学习者的质疑和不在意。其实,这个方法是完全正确的,只是所听所练的资料应该是什么样的,应该以什么样的态度来学习,来练习,来提高。 首先是关于学习资料。我们那一段资料来说明。 After receiving several suggestions from students about the transportation to school, we decided to organize a school ride-sharing program, in order to provide students living in the same area or community with a ride to school as a , means of shared transportation. Moreover, we believe carpooling will be good for students to save money from then rising cost of gas and bus fares. Please note that tis program is also an excellent means to protect the environment by reducing a great deal of pollution released from car emissions. 这一篇文章若为稍有水平的学生用来学习单词确实很好,但是背诵下来用以实际口语就相对来说欠缺下,没有实际的对话更能帮助输出句子。从而会出现,学了半天英语依然没法交流,学过的东西用不上。我们再看一段与上述资料有联系的对话。 Listening: M: hello, dear, have you heard of the new policy about ride-sharing? We have to organize car-pools for transportation. W: well, I support this new policy. Maybe it can be very helpful to some extent. M: can you explain it a little bit? I dont get it. W: have you noticed that ride-sharing is one of the most common and cost effective alternatives for students transport? I mean, the cost of sharing a ride is cheaper than a taxi or other means of transportation, because the cost will be divided among members. The propram also helps lower the costs of gasoline or car operation since car-pooling needs few vehicles to transport students back and forth everyday. Isnt it great? M: hmm, I can see your point. But other than costs, what else is it good for?


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