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FGH96高温合金的凝固过程及元素平衡分配系数的研究 柴国明1,郭汉杰1,陈希春2 (1.北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院,北京 100083;2.钢铁研究总院高温材料研究所,北京 100081) 摘要:本研究基于 Scheil-Gulliver凝固模型,采用热力学计算软件Thermo-Calce及相应的Ni基数据库, 对FGH96高温合金的凝固过程进行了热力学模拟计算,以揭示FGH96合金凝固过程中各相的析出规律,及凝固过程中各元素的偏析行为;并用Scheil-Gulliver方程对残余液相中各合金元素的质量分数随固相分数的变化进行回归,得到了各元素的平衡分配系数。结果表明:1) 在FGH96合金凝固过程中,当固相分数达到0.7,0.94,0.98时由残余液相中分别开始析出MC型碳化物,TCP相,γ′ 相。2) 在FGH96中 B,C,Mo,Nb,Ti,Zr,Si的平衡分配系数小于1,而Co,Cr,W,Fe,Al的平衡分配系数大于1。 关键词:FGH96高温合金,Scheil-Gulliver凝固模型,平衡分配系数,偏析 中图分类号:TG146.1+5 文献标志号:A Study on Solidification Process of FGH96 Superalloy and Equilibrium partition coefficients of the Alloy elements CHAI Guo-ming1, GUO Han-jie1, CHEN Xi-chun2 (1.School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China; 2.Department of High temperature Materials, Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Beijing 100081, China) ABSTRACT: Based on the Scheil-Gulliver solidification model the solidification simulation of FGH96 superalloy has been made by the Thermo–Calc thermodynamic software combined with the related nickel–based database to show the precipitation behaviors of various phase and the segregation behaviors of various elements in the solidification process. Equilibrium partition coefficients of various elements were obtained by regressing the dependence of mass fraction of various alloy elements in the remaining liquid on the mass fraction of solid phase using the Scheil-Gulliver model. The results show that 1) When mass fraction of solid is achieve 0.7, 0.94, 0.98, precipitation from the remaining liquid of MC carbides, TCP phase , γ′phase begin respectively in the solidification process; 2) Equilibrium partition coefficients of B, C, Mo, Nb, Ti, Zr, Si is less than 1 and the Equilibrium partition coefficients of Co, Cr, W, Fe, Al is greater than 1. KEYWORDS;FGH96 Superalloy, Scheil-Gulliver Solidification Model, Equilibrium partition coefficients, Segregation 前言


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