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销售成功率低 MyCRM-SFA MyCRM-SFA MyCRM-SFA MyCRM-SFA MyCRM-SFA MyCRM-SFA MyCRM-SFA MyCRM-SFA MyCRM-SFA MyCRM-SFA MyCRM-SFA MyCRM for SFA 应用模式 从销售机会到客户订单是一个按阶段发展的过程, 每一个阶段的升迁都需要一定的时间、并有损失。 SFA通过有效导入销售规范,按阶段跟踪、管理销售 机会,以及工作支持,显著提高销售效率与成功率。 MyCRM for SFA 架构 基础信息 系统管理 个人销售平台 销售管理 MyCRM for SFA的核心价值 1、集中管理客户资源 2、有效导入销售规范 3、按阶段跟踪、管理销售机会 4、显著改善工作质量与效率 状态、进程、问题一目了然 集中管理 客户资源 1、客户信息与销售记录统一管理 2、客户资源可分配、可调整 3、相关信息查询与编辑受权限控制 有效导入 销售规范 1、创建规范、自动执行 2、分级控制、逐渐完善 3、预置流程、优化销售 按阶段跟踪 管理销售机会 1、当前阶段与跟踪记录一目了然 2、销售管线分析 3、机会阶段升迁分析 显著改善工作 质量与效率 1、有效制定工作计划 2、工作日程管理与提醒 3、按时段的工作统计与分析 4、定期、周期性联系设置与提醒 量化评估绩效 1、项目与任务费用统计 2、客户-销售/收益分析 3、员工综合绩效评估 LIULIU LOUHULOU gou 沟通与演示模板 沟通与u 为客户多想一点 离成功就近一点 LIULIU LOUHULOU gou 沟通与演示模板 沟通与u LIULIU LOUHULOU gou 沟通与演示模板 沟通与u LIULIU LOUHULOU gou 沟通与演示模板 沟通与u LIULIU LOUHULOU gou 沟通与演示模板 沟通与u LIULIU LOUHULOU gou 沟通与演示模板 沟通与u LIULIU LOUHULOU gou 沟通与演示模板 沟通与u LIULIU LOUHULOU gou 沟通与演示模板 沟通与u LIULIU LOUHULOU gou 沟通与演示模板 沟通与u LIULIU LOUHULOU gou 沟通与演示模板 沟通与u LIULIU LOUHULOU gou 沟通与演示模板 沟通与u LIULIU LOUHULOU gou 沟通与演示模板 沟通与u Market dynamics : last 20 years the companies where focused on the BO side, and this is where the large ISV players were strong and during the last few years, we noticed a significant shift from the product/process/cost view to the customer centric view Doing business today is more complex : Customer expectations a re rising. More technologies and channel to reach and exchange with the customers are now available Customer satisfaction is not generate any revenue. For companies it is important that customer satisfaction leads to customer retention leads to customer loyalty. We are running at internet speeds, where the competition is really a click away. There are also more touch points with customers including direct sales telephone email the web fax and letter The task now is now integrate this process (customer interaction) with the rest of the BO All these systems (blue one) are front office specific process, and feed into the same Custom


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