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学 院 本科毕业论文 浅析余华小说的悲悯性 ——以《活着》《许三观卖血记》为例 所 在 学 院 文学与传媒学院 专 业 名 称 汉语言 申请学士学位所属学科 文学 年 级 二〇一一级 学生姓名、学号 指导教师姓名、职称 教授 完 成 日 期 二〇一五 年 六 月 二 日 摘 要余华在《活着》和《许三观卖血记》中用平静的笔调向读者讲叙了生命个体如何在生存苦难中坚强生活,体现了《活着》《许三观卖血记》 ABSTRACT Yu hua in living and xu through sell blood to record in a calm tone tell the individual life to the readers how to survive in the tough life in the suffering, yu hua to represent the life of the helpless, at the same time, with the help of the protagonist, endurance of suffering and optimism reflected peoples strong and brave in front of the suffering. This paper with the compassion of yu huas fiction theory, through the analysis of living and xu through sell blood to record the compassion, pity sex reason and meaning of yu huas fiction, intended to show the life consciousness of yu hua independence road, philosophy of life and humanitarian concern. Yu hua has carried on the deep thinking to the passion of the protagonist, in the face of suffering, readers from hero to see the powerful force of patience, learn how to face the bitter. Key words: ALIVE,XU THROUGH BLOOD ,Compassion 目 录 1引言-------------------------------------------------------------1 2余华小说中的悲悯性------------------------------------------1 2.1 《活着》中的悲悯性 ----------------------------------------------2 2.1.1承受苦难-----------------------------------------------------2忍耐--------------------------------------------------------2爱---------------------------------------------------------- 3 2.1.2态度乐观-----------------------------------------------------4 2.2 《许三观卖血记》中的悲悯性---------------------------------------5 2.2.1消解苦难-----------------------------------------------------5 2.2.2生命意识------------------------------------------------------6 3余华小说悲悯性的存在原因-----------------------------------------7 3.1 余华的


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