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刑事被害人救助制度研究 法学院法学专业06级 指导老师:唐芳 摘 要:随着国际间对于刑事被害人权利保护的持续关注和日益加强,国外已陆续建立了刑事被害人救助制度,而我国在立法和法律的具体适用过程中,刑事被告人的权利得到了比较充分的重视与保障,但刑事被害人的权利却缺乏重视与关注。被害人由于遭受犯罪行为侵害而导致经济困难,进而影响社会安定和谐。因此,建立刑事被害人救助制度不仅是国家对弱势群体的关怀,更是司法文明和司法和谐的体现和要求;不仅有利于维护被害人的合法权益,也有利于维护国家的长治久安;不仅是个体生存的需要,也是和谐社会公平正义的必然内涵。首先对国外刑事被害人救助制度的产生、概况介绍,以美国、英国、日本的刑事被害人救助制度为例;其次阐述建立刑事被害人国家补偿制度的必要性和可行性,从我国目前刑事附带民事诉讼存在局限性,现实的需要, 我国已经具备建立被害人国家补偿制度的条件这三方面进行阐述;最后提出我国构建刑事被害人救助制度的立法构想,从立法模式、补偿原则、救助对象、资金来源、补偿的数额、救助的程序、国家救助的决定机构这七方面来进行构思。 关键词:刑事诉讼 民事诉讼 犯罪行为 被害人 救助制度 Crime Victims Assistance System Research School of Law Professional 06 Instructor: Tang Fang Abstract:With the international protection of the rights of criminal victims sustained attention and increasing foreign has gradually established a criminal or the victim system, and our legislation and the law in the specific application process, the criminal defendants rights have been more fully attention and protection, but the rights of victims have criminal lack of attention and concern. Subjected to criminal acts against the victim as a result of economic difficulties, in turn affect social stability and harmony. Therefore, the establishment of the criminal or the victim system is not only the state vulnerable care, but also justice of civilization and justice and harmonious expression and requirements; not only help maintain the victims legitimate rights and interests, but also conducive to maintaining long-term stability; not only individual survival needs is inevitable harmonious social justice content. First Victim assistance system for foreign production, fact sheets, the United States, Britain, Japan, the criminal or the victim system as an example; second section describes the compensation system for Crime Victim necessity and feasibility of Chinas current criminal with civil litigation, limitations, practical needs, China already has established the conditions for national compensation system for victims of the three aspects described; Finally, Construction of Crim


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