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劳动力市场The Labor Market 劳动供给Labor Supply     在其他条件不变的情况下,在一定时期,在每一价格水平下,垄断者愿意并且能够提供的劳动总量。The willingness and ability to work a specific amount of time at alternative wage rates in a given time period, ceteris paribus. 劳动供给Labor Supply 收入和闲暇Income vs. Leisure    工作的机会成本就是我们必须放弃的用于闲暇的时间。The opportunity cost of working is the amount of leisure time that must be given up in the process. 机会成本是做出一种选择所必须放弃的另一最佳选择的市场价值。Opportunity cost is the most desired goods or services that are forgone in order to obtain something else. 收入和闲暇Income vs. Leisure    工作时间的机会成本增加,我们将会要求更高的工资率。As opportunity cost of work increases, we require higher rates of pay. 收入和闲暇Income vs. Leisure    向上倾斜的劳动供给曲线反映了两个现象:(The upward slope of individual labor supply curve reflects two things:) 市场供给Market Supply   劳动的市场供给Market Supply of Labor 是指人们在各种工资水平下愿意提供劳动的总小时数。The total quantity of labor that workers are willing and able to supply at alternative wage rates in a given time period, ceteris paribus. 市场供给Market Supply    进入劳动市场的人数增加将导致劳动力市场上供给增加。As labor-market entrants increase, quantity of labor supplied goes up. 劳动需求Labor Demand 劳动需求Demand for Labor 指雇主在各种工资水平下愿意并且能够雇佣的工人数量。The quantities of labor employers are willing and able to hire at alternative wage rates in a given time period. 劳动的需求The Demand for Labor 派生需求Derived Demand    企业购买资源数量取决于它的预期产出量和销售量。The quantity of resources purchased depends on expected sales and output.   对劳动力的需求依赖于劳动产品的需求。The demand for labor depends on the demand for the product that the labor is producing. 派生需求Derived Demand    对劳动和其他生产要素的需求,是由于人们对由这些生产要素生产出来的商品和服务的需求引起的。The demand for labor and other factors of production results from the demand for goods and services produced by these factors. 工资率The Wage Rate    劳动需求量取决于劳动的价格-工资率。Quantity of labor demanded depends on its price – the wage rate. 边际物质产品 Marginal Physical Product    向下倾斜的劳动需求曲线反映了当工人人数增多时工人生产率的变化。The downward slop of the labor-demand curve reflects the changing productivity of workers as more are h


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