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Priya Ramaswami Janssen RD US Advantages of PROC REPORT - Very powerful - Perform lists, subsets, statistics, computations, formatting within one procedure. - Multiple functions in one – SORT, PRINT, MEANS, TABULATE, some DATA STEP processing SYNTAX PROC REPORT data=input dataset options; WHERE optional; COLUMN list of variables; DEFINE variable 1 / column attributes; DEFINE variable 2 / column attributes; …. DEFINE last variable / column attributes; COMPUTE block optional; BREAK statement optional; RBREAK statement optional; RUN; PROC REPORT statement – Common options: DATA= Input dataset used for processing the report NOWD Short for NOWINDOWS. Sends the report to the output window instead of the interactive REPORT window SPLIT= Wraps the header and column contents at the specified character. The default character is ‘/’ HEADLINE Creates a line below the column header HEADSKIP Inserts a blank line between the column header and the first line of data OUT= Creates an output dataset with the contents of the REPORT procedure. This is especially helpful while trouble-shooting any new variables created in the COMPUTE block or specified breaks. WHERE statement - subset the data. Syntax: keyword WHERE + conditions COLUMN statement - lists all the variables to be displayed in the report, including variables created in the COMPUTE block Syntax: keyword COLUMN + variable names. DEFINE statement - how the variables are presented in the report. Syntax: keyword DEFINE + variable name + slash (/) + set of keywords and options. Common keyword


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