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Chapter 4 Modulation techniques for Mobile Radio LI-Yicai Chongqing Jiaotong University An Overview Modern mobile communication systems use digital modulation techniques. VLSI DSP have made digital modulation more cost effective than analog transmission systems. More advantages in digital modulation Greater noise immunity Robustness to channel impairments Easier multiplexing of various forms of information Greater security Digital modulation offers error controlling Can use equalization techniques to improve the performance of the overall communication link New techniques made it possible to implement digital modulator and demodulator completely in software Classification Modulation techniques in Cellular System Factors that influence the choice of digital modulation Low bit error rates at low received signal-to-noise ratios Occupies a minimum of bandwidth Easy and cost-effective to implement Existing modulation schemes do not simultaneous satisfy all of these requirements. Tradeoffs must be made. Performance of a modulation scheme Power efficiency Describes the ability of a modulation technique to preserve the fidelity(保真度) of the digital message at low power levels. Is often expressed as the ratio of the signal energy per bit to noise power spectral density (Eb/N0) required at the receiver input for a certain probability of error. Performance of a modulation scheme Bandwidth efficiency Describes the ability of a modulation scheme to accommodate data within a limited bandwidth. Is defined as the ratio of the throughput data rate per Hertz in a given bandwidth. The upper bound on bandwidth efficiency Shannon’s channel coding theorem states that for an arbitrary small probability of error, the maximum possible bandwidth efficiency is limited by the noise in the channel, and is given by the channel capacity formula. Pulse Shaping Techniques Band limited ISI free or minimum Nyquist Pulses for zero-ISI Raised Cosine Spectrum RF signal using Raised Cosine Gaussian pu



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