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 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 55 “华创杯” 江西省首届市场调查分析大赛 关于“南昌市建设虚拟养老院的可行性” 调查报告 指导老师:詹国华 参赛团队名称:the one 参赛成员: 代婳 吴鹏 蒋琴莉 刘晓莲 李莞尔 陈静宜 龙忆文 摘要 20世纪90年代以来,中国的老龄化进程加快。迅速发展的人口老龄化趋势,与人口生育率和出生率下降,以及死亡率下降、预期寿命提高密切相关。目前中国的生育率已经降到更替水平以下,人口预期寿命和死亡率也接近发达国家水平。随着20世纪中期出生高峰的人口陆续进入老年,可以预见,21世纪前期将是中国人口老龄化发展最快的时期。 根据第六次人口普查资料显示,南昌市人口已进入人口老龄化社会,并且超过标准线0.71个百分点。本次调查以南昌市市民作为调查对象,通过网络问卷,纸质问卷等形式得出一手数据,旨在通过调查了解市民对养老模式的看法,探寻虚拟养老院这种新型的养老模式在南昌市是否可行。 我们通过分层抽样为主、随机抽样为辅的调查方式,收集了南昌市市民对养老模式的看法。主要包括市民的养老观念,养老现状,虚拟养老院的了解程度和接受程度。利用统计软件对所得数据进行数据汇总、描述统计分析、均值比较、相关分析、对应分析及简单回归分析。同时结合在调查过程中与市民交流所获得的信息得出最新最全最客观的调查结果。 【关键词】 老龄化 养老方式 虚拟养老院 Abstract Since the 1990 s, the aging process was dramatically accelerated in China. Aging trend, which is rapidly developing, is closely related with declination of fertility and birth rates, decrease of death rates as well as increased life expectancy. At present, fertility rate in China has fallen below the replacement level. Life expectancy and mortality were close to levels in the developed countries. As citizens who were born in the baby boom, in the middle of the 20th century, will go into old age, predictably, the early stage of the 21st century will be the fastest growing period for population of China.  According to the sixth census data, Nanchang has entered the aging society and over the standard line by 0.71 percent point. This survey to Nanchang citizens is aimed at investigating the perspectives for endowment pattern and feasibility for virtual nursing home through posting questionnaires on the Internet, normal questionnaires. We collect the information of opinions about endowment pattern, pension status, understanding of virtual nursing home, acceptability as well through stratified sampling-based survey, supplemented by convenience sampling. We complete our survey report by data collection, descriptive statistic analysis, mean comparison, correlation analysis, corresponding analysis and simple regression analysis by using statistical softwa


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