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人体感应报警器 The human body induction alarm 产品概述: 人体感应报警器采用DC5V电压工作,当有人出现在感应区时,会实时采用声、光报警,感应距离可长达7m,是一个制作简单、成本低廉的简易报警器,适用于家庭、办公室、仓库、实验室等场所的防盗。 The human body induction alarm uses DC5V voltage to work. When someone is appearing in the inducing area of infrared sensor and the whole system will use both sound and light to alarm. The inducing distance is 7m.And it is a simple and cheap alarm which is suitable for a protection against burglars to home, office, warehouse and laboratory. 产品功能: Features of human body induction alarm : 开机硬件初始化时,蜂鸣器鸣叫、LED灯闪烁,整个过程维持3-5s。 1.When the hardware initializes, the buzzer will sound and the LED lights will flicker.The whole process keeps for 3-5 seconds 2)当无人出现在红外传感器感应区时,蜂鸣器不会鸣叫,LED灯也不会闪烁。 2.If there is no one appearing in the inducing area of infrared sensor, the buzzer will not sound and the LED light will not flicker. 当有人出现在红外传感器的感应区时,蜂鸣器鸣叫,LED灯闪烁,声光报警时长为5s。 3.If there is someone appearing in the inducing area of infrared sensor, the buzzer will sound and the LED light will flicker.The alarm of both sound and light will keep for 5 seconds. 当有人出现在红外传感器的感应区,并维持静止状态时,报警器通过时长为5s的声光报警后停止报警,只有当人体在感应区移动时才会再次触发报警器报警。 4.If there is someone appearing in the inducing area of infrared sensor and remain still, the alarm will stop after 5 seconds of sound and light alarm.And only when the human body is moving during the inducing area of infrared sensor and then will trigger the alarm again. 物料清单: Components list: 1)Aduino UNO (原型板,含下载线一根) 1套 2)面包板 1个 Bread Board 高亮度LED发光管 1个 highlight LED light emitting diode 人体红外感应模块 1个 Human Infrared Sensor Module 有源蜂鸣器模块 1个 Active Buzzer Module for Arduino 面包线 5根 jumper wires 硬跳线 若干 DuPont line +5V直流电源 1个 DC5V power supply 插针 6个 Pin 10)3P杜邦线 2根 3P Dupon Line


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