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浅谈绿春公路养护管理及未来发展方向 摘要:本文根据工作实际,放眼世界公路建设及发展状况,具体概述了德国、美国、意大利高速公路发展,同时立足我国公路发展状况。自新中国成立以来,我国的公路交通建设大致经历了四个阶段 in this paper, according to the actual work, look around the world for highway construction and development status of concrete overview of Germany, the United States, Italy, the highway development, based on the development of highway in our country at the same time. From the new China was founded, Chinas highway traffic construction is roughly experienced four stages, and the characteristics of highway construction in China. Then green in the spring of highway management personnel less, less mechanical, equipment aging, custody long route, combined with the western end of green in the spring is located in the branch is located in the south of ailaoshan out of zhongshan ravines. Widely development along the river watershed in two main slope ancient planation surface, terrace, and a deep \V\ shaped valley, cliff cliffs, live young landscape such as gully, feng love mountainous rivers, deep, ravines crossbar, and the main characteristics of the fragmented for XianJing landform. From may to October is the rainy season, the rain, more frequent natural disaster such as mud-rock flow, the people, legal consciousness, violations of the road production way, such as green in the spring of highway maintenance management encountered in the actual situation, discusses how to strengthen the green in the spring of highway maintenance management better maintenance road is produced. Elaborates on the meaning of issued and implemented the regulations and how to better serve the construction of legal system in highway maintenance management, and finally talk about the future trend of highway maintenance management, etc. 关键词:公路;养护管理;路产路权;法制建设;发展趋势 一、国外高速公路发展概况 [1]高速公路面积密度最大的国家是荷兰,每l000 km2面积中有高速公路43.9km。高速公路人口密度最大的国家是美国,每100万人口占有380.61km。表1是国外几个主要国家高速公路建设的数据。 表1 国家 年??份 公路总里程 (万km) 高速公路通 车里程(km) 高速公路 占总里程% 美??国 1997 634.82 88727 1.4 加拿大 1995 90.19 16571 1.84 德??国 1998 65.61 114


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