Academi Writing - Application Essay Or Personal Statement.doc

Academi Writing - Application Essay Or Personal Statement.doc

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Academi Writing - Application Essay Or Personal Statement

Application Essay or Personal Statement Overview The application essay or personal statement is a standard component of most graduate and professional school applications. The requirements for such essays vary from program to program, but some general principles apply. Application essays give you an opportunity to explain -- through narrative, example, and analysis -- aspects of your personal, educational, and professional history that may have led you to pursue an advanced degree at a particular institution. Admissions committees rely heavily on these essays to put a face on impersonal test scores and grade point averages. For this reason, its important for you to use details and thoughtful self-presentation to make your face one that stands out in a crowd. Whether youre applying to medical school or a program in landscape architecture, your essay should demonstrate your ability to make connections between your experience, education, and the program you have chosen. The most challenging aspect of the application essay is making those connections in a relatively small amount of space. Frequently Asked Questions **Important note: Expectations for application essays vary widely. The answers below are meant to give some general guidelines, but may not be applicable to the particular program to which you are applying. Is it all right to use the first person? In most cases its essential. The application essay is about you and what you think about yourself and the field you want to study. How far back should I go in tracing my background? For your essay, choose the details that you want to highlight in order to best answer the question at hand. The application itself may provide you with a chance to give detailed educational and job history. Stories about how one became interested in a particular field might reference things as far back as grade school. At the same time, mentioning academic accomplishments prior to college might be viewed as naive. More rece


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