25第五节 木素物理性质及其利用.pptVIP

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25第五节 木素物理性质及其利用.ppt

第五节 木素的物理性质及其利用 Section 5 Physical Properties and Utilization of Lignin Physical properties of lignin Utilization of lignin Physical properties of lignin Physical properties of lignin are variable and complicated for many factors. Physical properties of lignin depend not only on the origin (kinds of plant) , but also on the methods of lignin separation (一)General physical properties 1、Color Protolignin is a white material or nearly achromaticity The color of lignin formed when the lignin was separated and prepared. The different of color (high or low) is due to the different methods of separation and preparation The lignin colour can be removed by chemical method and so on. Color of lignin Residual lignin in pulp and that in black liquor is deeply brown Residual lignin in bleached pulp is primrose yellow(淡黄色) 2、Relative density The value is different because of the different determination and preparation methods Most of the lignin isolated from lignified plant is amorphous powder and its relative density is between 1.3 and 1.5 The relative density of Klason lignin of pine is 1.451 determined by water and it is 1.436 determined by benzene 云杉二氧六环木素用水测定的是1.330,用二氧六环测定的是1.391,用比重计法测定的则是1.361 3、Optics property The lignin has not optical activity because of the shortage of symmetrical(对称的) carbon atom 4、Combustion value Relatively high,for example: The combustion value of hydrochloric acid lignin of Spruce without ash is 110.0kJ/g The combustion value of Kalson lignin is 109.6kJ/g 5、Solubility Protolignin usually does not dissolve in any solvent 6、Viscosity The viscosity of lignin solution is low and it is only one-forth of synthetic polymers (二)Molecular weight of lignin and the form of lignin molecule Relative molecular weight 木素是一种高分子化合物,原本木素的分子量可高达几十万 分离木素的分子量要低得多,一般仅有几千到几万 磨木木素也只是原本木素中的低分子量部分 X-射线衍射图表明,木素的结构是无定型的,分离出的木素大都是无定型的粉末。 用电子显微镜研究木素的超分子结构状态表明,木素是: 以球状质点状态或 块状质点状态聚集存在的 Because of the high molecular weight and the absence of hydrophi



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