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当个性变成一种共性 —论“周杰伦现象”的过气 摘要 “周杰伦”三个字是21世纪第一个十年中国流行文化的一个重要地标,他的走红不只是一个偶像明星的发迹,更是中国当代流行音乐发展史和一个时代年轻人精神面貌的折射。进入21世纪第二个十年,伴随着网络新媒体的飞速发展和音乐大环境的变迁,周杰伦应对起来越来越力不从心。作为一个明星,周杰伦仍活跃在娱乐圈的超一线,但作为一种文化,“周杰伦现象”却越来越呈现出式微的状态。 本文以“周杰伦现象”为研究对象,综合运用文献法、访谈法、比较分析法等方法,通过分析“周杰伦现象”的消长过程、“周杰伦现象”过气的原因以及周杰伦对“N世代”的影响三个方面来梳理华语音乐和中国当代流行文化的变迁。 第一部分主要是对“周杰伦现象”的概述,将“周杰伦现象”划分了三个阶段:快速上升期、全盛期、衰落期,通过分析这几个阶段“周杰伦现象”的发展状况,表现周杰伦对青少年和大众文化影响力的改变,从而得出“周杰伦现象”过气的结论。 第二部分是对“周杰伦现象”过气的背景分析。本部分通过分析传统唱片业的没落、“选秀”节目的发展和网络自媒体三个方面,揭示了周杰伦过气的原因以及对“周杰伦现象”起取代作用的一些文化现象。 第三部分论述的是“周杰伦现象”和N世代的关系。周杰伦之所以能发展成一种发展现象,很大程度上是因为他满足了N世代成长过程中的心理需求。而当N世代开始成长成为社会上的中流砥柱,周杰伦也渐渐地和他们的精神世界脱轨,“周杰伦现象”开始退潮。 【关键词】 周杰伦 流行音乐 大众文化 When Individuality Evolves Into Commonality -The decay of the phenomenon cansed by Jay Chou Abstract Jay Chou is a very important landmark of Chinese pop culture at its first decade of 21st century,the rise of whom is more of a reflex of the development of Mandarin pop music and mental outlook of the youth at this age.However,with the widespread of we-media after 2010,things are getting harder and harder for Jay Chou.It’s undeniable that Jay Chou is still a top star in China,but his influence in pop culture is vanishing. The essay is mainly divided into three parts,which respevtively deals with three phases of Jay Chou’s career,the background behind his fall and his influence on the “net generation” in China.By exploring these three subjects,we can see the transition of Chinese pop culture after 2000. The first part of the essay is a overview of “Jay Chou’s phenomenon”.which is divided into three stages:the rapid rise,heyday,decline phase.Through the analysis of these three stages,we can see the decline of 揓ay Choua’s phenomenon”. The second part mainly deals with the background behind Jay Chou’s decline.The fall of traditional record industry,musical real shows on TV and the development of we-media change the structure of amusement industry of China.More and more i


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