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business strategy 9copy.ppt

Session 9 Competitive Advantage of Nations and the Clusters What is your choice? Shoes, bags, and other leather products? Perfume, cosmetic? Cars, vehicles? What is your impression? In US, which industries are more competitive compared with other countries? In Japan, which industries are more competitive compared with other countries? Sources of competitive advantage of nations Michael Porter: the competitive advantage of a nation comes from its industrial capability to innovate and upgrade, that is, the industrial competitiveness In the process of globalization, the industrial competitiveness is more and more important Where dose the industrial competitiveness come from? The competitiveness of the companies in certain industry. ???? Porter’s research Period:1985-1989 Samples :英国、美国、日本、丹麦、德国、意大利、瑞典、瑞士 Research groups:local researchers under guidance ???? 国际成功的定义:该国这项产业是否拥有足以与世界级竞争对手较量的竞争优势 能对多国进行实际与持续的出口贸易 或在母国发展资产与技术,借以进行海外投资的企业 产业发展历史 不考虑高度依赖自然资源的产业,因其非发达经济的骨干产业(依靠自然资源的国家境况) 企业竞争优势的来源 企业通过创新形成竞争优势 产品、技术创新(walkman) 开拓新的市场(美国小型车市场) 新的工艺或生产方法(流水线,JIT) 新的供应商或新材料(心脏支架) 新的管理方法、管理模式(IBM的开放式网络平台) 企业一旦停止改善与创新,终将被竞争者取代(摩托罗拉与诺基亚) ???? Productivity and the business environment Diamond Model???? Factor conditions Presence of high quality, specialized inputs available for firms 自然资源(双刃剑,资源稀缺导致效率和设计转变), 共性资源与个性资源,energy crisis in China (good thing or bad thing) 专业化要素:科学与技术、人才、资金、管理、基础设施(洋山港与上海的航运业)等 美国的管理与大规模组织 丹麦糖尿病研究机构与胰岛素产业 Demand Condition Size of the local demand:中国家电市场(利益驱动、竞争、寻求海外市场);国内市场规模小的问题; foster care in china Sophisticated and demanding local customers:国内客户越挑剔,企业在全球竞争中越有优势(日本音响设备,法国的葡萄酒) Local customer needs that anticipate those elsewhere:丹麦的环保主义,导致水污染控制设备和风车产业的成功 价值观和文化的主流特性(提前消费与信用卡,东方文化)?? Related and supporting industries Access to competent, locally based suppliers and firms in related fields 高品质的原材料、设备供应商(意大利的珠宝原料和机械) 相关产业与支持性产业的创新能力(日本汽车的零部件供应商) 洮砚之悲哀,到景德镇不买瓷器买泥土 Presence of clusters(产业集群) instead of isolated industries???? 中国高端设备和零件制造者的苦恼(员工素质,基本材料) Con


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