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安全工程专业英语 UINT ONE SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 句子分析 安全术语 科技文章的特点 大量使用名词化结构 The earth rotates on its own axis, which causes the change from day to night. The rotation of the earth on own axis causes the change from day to night. 广泛使用被动句 后置定语 长句 * * All modern theories are based on accident causation models which try to explain the sequence of events that finally produce the loss. The strategic management, leadership, motivation, and the personnel’s visible and hidden values are some issues that are now under intensive study. One comprehensive definition for an organizational culture has been presented by Schein who has said that organizational culture is “a pattern of basic assumptions – invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration – that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems”. These include: organizational responsibility for safety, management attitudes towards safety, management activity in responding to health and safety problems, safety training and promotion, level of risk at the workplace, workers’ involvement in safety, and status of the safety officer and the safety committee. 安全管理 事故致因 不安全行为 不安全状态 企业安全文化 安全的工作环境 The safety policy should be put into practice through careful planning of the safety activities. 非限定动词 Organizational culture is a major component affecting organizational performance and behavior. In small and medium-sized companies, the safety manager and the safety representative often have other duties besides their health and safety tasks. The safety manager’s role is to act as an expert who is aware of the health and safety legislation and other obligations concerning the company. The efforts necessary to assu


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