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摘 要 废水处理厂设计规模 5000m3/d,设计水质水量为:Q=5000m3/d ,CODcr=700~1000mg/L, PH=10~11,SS=500~800 ㎎/l 色度400~600 倍。经处理后,应达到下列出水水质:COD≤100mg/L,色度≤40倍,SS≤50mg/L, 达《山东省地方标准 纺织印染工业水污染物排放标准》(DB37/533-2005)标准Ⅰ中B级标准。 本工程方案设计依据有关环境保护在污水中的要求,采用水解酸化—SBR—混凝沉淀工艺处理纺织印染废水,在详细方案比较的基础上,选择了如下处理工艺流程: 印染废水→格栅→调节池→水解酸化→SBR→池混凝沉淀池→出水 ↓ 污泥外运←污泥脱水←浓缩池 经设计可知COD=90.3%, ηSS=94.4%,色度94.8%。 经技术经济分析,此方案投资总额 788 万元,废水处理成本为1.5元/ m3,有着良好的经济效益和社会效益。且节约用地、提高绿化、降低能耗的理念在设计中得到充分的实践,符合新时代环保的要求。 关键词: 纺织印染废水 水解酸化 SBR 混凝 Abstract The designing scale of waste water treatment plant is 5000 m3/d, the designing quality and quantity of water are: Q=5000m3/d ,COD=700~1000mg/L ,PH=10~11 ,SS=500~800 ㎎/l ,Color degree=400~600 times. After disposing of it, the quality of water should attain the following standards: COD≤100mg/L,SS≤50mg/L,Chroma ≤ 40 times,reaching the B standard of (DB37/533-2005)of local standards of Shandong Province Textile industrial water pollutant discharge standards. The design of this project is in accordance with requirements of the environmental protection in the wastewater. It uses the hydrolytic acidification-SBR-coagulation-sedimentation process to deal with the wastewater in textile printing. Based on comparison of the detailed program, we select the following processes: Printing and Regulating Hydrolytic SBR dyeing wastewater →Grids→ pond → acidification→pond ↓ Carry Dehydrate Pool Coagulation out Sludge← Sludge ←enrichment←sedimentation tanks→Drainage Through designing, we can know that the result of COD is 90.3.5%,ηSS is 94.4%,color degree is 94.8%. After technical and economic analyzing, the investment amount of this project is 7.88 million Yuan, and the cost of disposal of waste water is 1.5 Yuan/ m3. It not only gains good economic and social benefits, but also fully puts the ideas o


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