Book 6 unit 3 reading(上课用)5课件.ppt

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Book 6 unit 3 reading(上课用)5课件.ppt

Reading Advice from Grandad Para1: Para2: Para3: Para4: Para5: 1.James is finding it easy to quit smoking. 2.James’ grandad never became addicted to cigarettes. 3.James’ grandad wants to tell James that it is easy to begin smoking and difficult to stop. What are the harmful effects of smoking? What are the advice James’ grandfather gives on quitting smoking? When you ___ ___ smoking, remind yourself that you are a ___________. feel like non-smoker ______ __ smoking a cigarette, do something else to keep your______and______busy. Instead of 2.________________. 3. ________________. Be determined Break the habit mind hands If you feel nervous, do not _____ ___ a cigarette.take deep _________or do some _________exercises. reach for If you feel ___________, you might like to talk to a doctor or chemist . desperate 4.________. 5._________________________. Relax Get help if you need it breathing relaxation Do not be _____________. Do not feel _________ if you fail to stop smoking,Just try again. disappointed ashamed 6. ______________ Keep trying. Topic1: why do some middle school students start smoking? can you give him or her some advice to get rid of it? Choose one of the two topics to discuss. and then show your opinions. Topic2: if your best friend smoke secretly without noticing by his parents or teacher ,how will you deal with it? Proverbs :  2.An apple a day keeps the doctor away, 1. Happiness lies first of all in health. 幸福首先在于健康。 3.A light heart lives long. 无忧者长寿 4.Diet cures more than doctors. 自己饮食有节, 胜过上门求医。 —天一个大苹果,医生从来不找我。 Design a poster(?海报) to persuade people to quit smoking. The poster should have some images (影像,肖像) and words which are vivid (生动的 )and meaningful. Homework * * * * * * * Unit 3 A healthy life


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