Go for it 8A unit 09 When was he born课件.pptVIP

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Go for it 8A unit 09 When was he born课件.ppt

Unit 9 When was he born? Here is a photo .Do you know who is she ? Do you want to know something about her ? Ask and answer in pairs Ask your partner about her /his date of birth Model: A :How old are you ? B: I’m… A: When were you born ? B: I was born in … David Beckham Football player 1975 England Let do some guessing games Exercise : 一适当形式填空: 1.What _______(be) you born ? I was born in June . 2..What ________(be )she born ?She was born in 1985 3.He was _______(bear) in January . 4._______(be) you born on May 1st? 二选择合适的介词填空: 1.Mary was born _______July 24th 1975 2.Yao Ming was born ______1980 . 3.David was born _______April 20th 4Deng Yaping was born _______ November Homework : 1.Do a survey about your parents’ and your two friends’ date of birth 2.Write down the survey on your homework book. Chang Xing Middle School Zhang Kun Yao Ming basketball player 1980 9 12 China Talk about International sports stars. Do you know them? Who is she/ he? What does she/ he do?When was he /she born? Where does she /he come from ? Listen and talk 1b Deng Yaping Ping-pong player China Born:______ Michael Jordan Basketball player America Born:______ Martina Hingis tennis player Swiss Born:______ David Beckham football player England Born:______ 1973 1963 1980 1975 1b Conversations : A: Who’s that? A: When was she/he born? A:Where is she from? B: That’s ... She/He is a great…B: She/He was born in …B:She is from… Who is she ? She is our math teacher. When was she born? She was born in 1980/1990/1985. √ Who is he ? He is our P.E.teacher When was he born? He was born in 1985/1989/1995 √ Do you know him? Who is he ? He is our head teacher When was he born ? He was born in 1970 /1974/1980 √ What about her ?Who is she? She is our geography teacher When was she born? She was born in 1965/1970/1975 √ Write a passage about your favourite people You can write include(包括)(Wh


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