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目录 第一章 引言 1 1.1剪切机的国内发展现状 1 1.2 剪切机国内主要生产厂家 1 1.3剪切机的技术和分类 3 1.3.1平行刃剪切机 4 1.3.2 斜刃剪切机 11 1.3.3 圆盘式剪切机 12 1.4本次设计主要技术参数 14 1.5设备结构用途 14 第二章 设计方案论证 15 2.1 各种方案简述 15 2.1.1方案一 15 2.1.2方案二 17 2.1.3 方案三 18 2.2各种方案比较 20 第三章 设计中的有关计算 21 3.1 减速机的选择 21 3.2轴的设计 23 3.2.1 主动轮轴的设计 23 3.2.2主动轮轴的强度验算 24 3.2.3.从动轮轴的设计 25 3.2.4从动轮轴的校核 25 3.3 运输带张紧装置设计 25 3.3.1螺旋副的主要几何参数的计算 26 3.3.2 静载荷计算 26 3.3.3 螺杆强度 27 3.3.4 寿命计算 28 3.4 拨料装置的液压缸设计 29 3.4.1液压缸基本参数 29 3.4.2细微结构设计 30 3.5总装配图 33 3.6本章小结 33 第四章 其他部件的设计 35 4.1.皮带 35 4.2机架 35 4.3托辊设计 35 4.4滚筒设计 36 结论 37 参考文献 38 致谢 39 附录I:英文论文 40 附录II:中文翻译 50 定尺剪钢板废料收集系统设计 摘要:随着宽厚板的发展,在宽厚板生产线上的剪板机的需求量越来越大。废料和试样的收集装置是剪板机四大主要部件之一。本文根据3800定尺剪的功能需求,设计了一套用于废料收集和试样收集的传送系统。所设计的废料收集系统由运输、收集组成。作用是切头、切尾的废料废料筐筐。在文章的最后简明的介绍了本次毕业设计的一些心得体会。Shear the waste collections of the trigger steel plate system Abstract: Along with the generous knothole development, in the generous plank produce to on-line shear the demand of trigger more and more big. Waste with try the collections of kind equip is to shear trigger four one of the big and main parts. This text according to 3800 settle the function request that the Chinese foot shear, design a set of used for waste collections and try kind collections of transmission system. Design of waste collections system from conveyance take, transition Gun way, unload to anticipate a chain, collections basket etc. part constitute. Function from shear machine to outwardly transport a waste and try kind, will slice a head and slice the waste of tail to send to waste collections a basket, will try kind to send to try kind collections a basket. The inside of the article described to shear trigger development present condition and shear the technique of trigger and classification, introduction three project combine pass consideration three project of merit and shortcoming end make selection three project. This text return to collections system inside of spread to move part and bring to the stretch part carried on design and school pit,


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