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第三讲 Part 1 + 2 -When where he died? Why? -How did you get to know the news? How did you feel at that moment? -How did the people around the world react to his death? (the number of his fans, cry, hold some memorial ceremonies) -MJ’s achievements in the past several decades. (moonwalk)+ examples -describe a wedding ceremony -describe a traditional festival in your country -the Spring Festival -the Mid-Autumn Festival -the Lantern Festival 元宵节 -the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Bad example: the National Day 国庆节 4. A wild animal -describe a giant panda e.g. Pandas are often sent to other countries as friendship ambassadors. -tiger (the king of the forest) -horse (description of the horse/ your imagination of riding a horse landscape) Bad example: -cats and dogs ∵domestic animals 拓展:domestic flight/ international flight Principles of writing your notes: -Do NOT write down complete sentences. -Do NOT write down complete words/phrases. -Use abbreviations. e.g. beautiful bfl handsome hsm 帅 学生 st 愉快 :) 国家/家乡□ 经济 E 社会 S 文化 C 历史 H 增强 ↗ 减弱 ↘ 城市 c 全世界 O 转折关系 ~ 并列关系 大于、强于 小于、弱于 强调 !! 教育 edu 交流 ∞ 因为/所以 ∵/∴ 结果,导致 科技 S T 与…比较而言 cf 胜利 V Brain storm 1 GAME: 30 sec*2=1 min 讨论, I have got an egg in my hand. How many different ways can I use this egg in. eat it use it on yr face as makeup fighting paint a picture on the shell hatch it into small chicken sell it egg in hand tumbler Brain storm 2 Q: Can you tell your partner what it can possibly be? (30 sec) a circle ball moon sun wheel a pizza mirror watch clock biscuit a cake a coin describe a teacher you admire -Where you met him/her? -What subject he/she taught? -What was special about him/her? And explain why you admire him/her. Tip: 既然有这个框架,无需另起炉灶。 Follow the outline. -What does he/she look like? -height: tall, short, be of average height -body size: thin, stout, slim, heavy, strong as…as…结构 e.g. He is as strong as a bull. -facial features: -big/small/charming/


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