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中国日报中英词汇C C 擦边球 edge ball, touch ball 擦网球 net ball 财产税 property tax; estate (or capital) duty 采购团 purchasing mission 采光 lighting 裁减冗员 cut down on overstaffing ; lay off redundant staff 采景 choose a location (for movie, TV drama, etc.) 裁军 disarmament 彩扩 color film processing 菜篮子工程 vegetable basket program; non-staple food project 财力明显增强 financial strength grew noticeably 菜鸟,新手 green hand 采暖 heating 彩票 lottery ticket 彩票头奖 jackpot (Lottery winner may have hit $80m jackpot--Chinas lottery may have set a new record with a man expected to win 514 million yuan ($80 million) from two tickets bought in East Chinas Zhejiang province on Tuesday, beating the previous record win of 359.9 million yuan, claimed by a man in Central Chinas Henan province in 2009. 彩民独揽8000万美元巨奖——浙江一名男子周二购买的两张彩票为他赢得了5.14亿元(8000万美元)的奖金,超过了之前一名河南男子中的3.599亿元,刷新了中国彩票的中奖记录。) 采取措施后 ex post 采取措施前 ex ante 采取高姿态 show high-profile; exercise forbearance; be tolerant 才疏学浅 be wanting in ability and shallow in knowledge 财务报表 financial statement 财务代理人 fiscal agent 财务公开 keep the public informed of the financial affairs 财务焦虑 financial worries ( The guide is meant to help people identify any serious health concerns related to financial worries and develop coping skills. 该指南旨在帮助问题人群发现由财务焦虑引起的严重健康问题,并提供应对技能。) 裁员 job cut (The latest job cut, which aims to further reduce the companys costs by enhancing efficiency and help maintain its competitive edges amid the global economic slowdown, will be completed by the end of March, said Lenovo. 联想集团25日宣布,将在其位于中国的全球职能部门中削减450个岗位。联想称,此次裁员目的是在全球经济放缓的环境下,进一步提升整体运作效率,并保持公司竞争力。裁员将于3月底完成。) 财政包干 fiscal responsibility system 财政赤字 financial deficit 财政纪律 financial and economic discipline 财政年度 fiscal year 财政收入 fiscal revenue 财政税收 revenue tax;fiscal levy;fiscal taxation;financial taxation 财政、信贷双紧方针 policy of tightening control over expenditure and credit 才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies 财产性收入 property income 踩高跷 Stilt walk (手机)彩铃 polyphonic ringtone 采煤沉陷区 sinkholes in coa


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